The European Council of Religious Leaders have delivered a declaration on Tolerance which gives a wide array of values and behaviours which show tolerance in action.
Tolerance is a sub value of Non-violence. Non-violence comprises behaviours and values such as consideration, co-operation, global stewardship, active citizenship, justice, respect and tolerance.
The European Council of Religious Leaders declared that tolerance requires mutuality and is a precondition for a culture of peace. The ECRL expanded
- Tolerance is an active recognition of diversity and means respecting the otherness of the other with whom we differ religiously, culturally, or otherwise, with compassion and benevolence.
- Tolerance does not mean unconditional approval of the ideas of others nor of the way they live their lives. Tolerance means respecting the other’s human rights, but not necessarily sharing his or her viewpoints.
- Tolerance implies mutuality and not compromising one’s beliefs. Many religions make truth claims that can be mutually exclusive, as do other convictions and ideologies. This is no threat to tolerance as long as others are allowed to give voice to their own convictions.
- Tolerance implies that all may speak openly and freely, also when their views are controversial. Tolerance does not prevent us from speaking clearly against injustice, oppression, violence and everything which threatens life.
- Tolerance meets its most difficult challenge when faced with the intolerant. A cohesive and peaceful society must protect itself and its institutions against intolerance.
The European Conference of Religious Leaders then went on to give a series of commitments to translate the attitude to tolerance into action.
Download the ECRL Instanbul Declaration on Tolerance
Read the European Conference of Religious Leaders Declaration on Tolerance online: Instanbul Declaration on Tolerance