8th General Assembly, ACRP, Inchon, Korea

Asian Conference Religions for Peace

The 8th General Assembly of the Asian Conference of Religions for Peace is at present meeting at Songdo Convensia, Incheon, Republic of Korea. A number of delegates and observers from Australia are attending the meeting. The Chair, Religions for Peace Australia, Prof. Desmond Cahill is one of the Vice Presidents of the Asian Conference of Religions for Peace. Prof. Cahill provides an update.

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Religions for Peace UK Declaration

Religions for Peace UK

Religions for Peace UK has issued a declaration stating that all need to stand together and show ISIS and their ilk our unity, our humanity. It is time to look beyond our religious and national interests, and confront together this threat to all civilised societies, say RfP UK.

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Barbarity cannot be justified as a Religious Cause – Vatican

The Vatican interfaith bureau (called the Pontificial Council for Interreligious Dialogue) has condemned the atrocities accompanying the restoration of the self-declared “caliphate”. The Council calls on all people engaged in interreligous dialogue to denounce and condemn the practices of the so-called “caliphate”.

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July: Global Newsletter

Religions for Peace

The latest Global Newsletter from Religions for Peace International reports peace and humanitarian activities in the conflict zones, along with heart-felt activities imbued with love, by members of Religions for Peace Worldwide. Forgiveness and Reconciliation, Climate Change, efforts to restore peace in many nations: these are the works of members and leaders of Religions for Peace worldwide, covered in this newsletter.

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Yazidis community of Sinjar

Religions for Peace

Religions for Peace issues a worldwide call for all in the religions for peace family to pray – each according to his or her tradition – for the Yazidis community of Sinjar who are facing threat of massacre from ISIS/ISIL.

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Baha'i Community: To Light a Candle

To Light a Candle

To Light a Candle provides a powerful account of the Baha’is in Iran, the country’s largest non-Muslim religious minority. Following the 1979 Islamic revolution, Baha’is face systematic persecution including arrests, imprisonment and executions. They are also forbidden from attending or teaching at universities.

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New Zealand Diversity Forum

New Zealand Diversity Forum

Celebrating its 10th year, the annual New Zealand Diversity Forum continues to bring together communities, central and local government, the public sector, the voluntary sector, business, civil society and young people from around the country to promote harmonious race relations in Aotearoa.

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Global Newsletter – June 2014

Golbal Newsletter – June 2014

Religions for Peace

The lastest Global Newsletter from Religions for Peace International reports on establishments of centres for peace for children in Syria, initatives in Haiti, the Pope’s visit to Israel, and My World, what people want from the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

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