Religions for Peace Nepal Update

Our Religions for Peace family on its different levels is collaborating effectively: Religions for Peace International (RfP International), Religions for Peace Asia (RfP Asia) and Religions for Peace Nepal (RfP Nepal) are working as a single team to support our multi-religious collaboration in Nepal.

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After Nepal quake, survivors struggle in squalid camps

Squalid camp, Nepal, 2015

More than a week after a 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, cutting a wide swath of destruction through the country, residents in relief camps are struggling to get by. “Life is very miserable in camps,” said Mangla Maya Swal.   Swal has been living in a camp in Bhaktapur district since her home was badly damaged in the April 25 quake. She and her family of nine are sharing a single tent, which in normal circumstances would be insufficient for two or three people

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Asian Conference – News from Nepal

Asian Conference Religions for Peace

Nepal is member of the Asian Conference of Religions for Peace. We have been anxiously awaiting news from Nepal, particularly about members of the Asian Conference of Religions for Peace, as we have dear friends among their number. One email has been received, which gives information about the current state of affairs in Nepal.

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Asian Conference Condolence to Nepal

Asian Conference Religions for Peace

The Asian Conference of Religions for Peace, ACRP, encompasses the Asian-Pacific region, stretching from the countries of the Middle East and South Asia up to Central Asia across to East Asia and South-East Asia and down to the countries of the South Pacific. One of the earliest assemblies of Religions for Peace Asia was held in Kathmandu, Nepal.

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Earthquake in Nepal

The members of Religions for Peace – the world’s largest multi-religious coalition solely dedicated to advancing principled cooperation for peace – offer our most heartfelt sympathy and loving solidarity to the people of Nepal and its neighboring countries affected by the earthquake. We are deeply saddened by the magnitude of devastation experienced and have great concern for the wellbeing of all those impacted.

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A Common Word Among the Youth

a common word among youth

Following on with the success of “A Common Word between Us and You” is A Common Word Among Youth. This is a program fostered by the Right Start Foundation International which offers placements for youth between 18 – 35 to participate in training for initiating change and translating international issues into local community activities.

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In the cold light of dawn – the tradition of the Dawn Service

Anzac Dawn Service, Melbourne

The military tradition of the Dawn Parade was to prepare troops for attack in the half light of the early morn. It was this tradition which has become the ANZAC Dawn Service – a tradition which unfolded in different ways in different states. Here we look to the work of Padre White of Albany, Western Australia, the point of departure for troops sailing overseas during World War I .

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five kids

Around the world, familiar routines shape our days and weeks: waking, washing, dressing, eating and, for many people, praying. Come, watch a video.

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Amma to visit Sydney and Melbourne

The worldwide famous “hugging saint” – Mata Amritanandamayi – AMMA to millions around the world, will be visiting Australia during April of 2015. There will be programs in Sydney and Melbourne. Visitors may attend and meet Amma and receive her individual blessing.

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Prize Announcement 2015 – World Interfaith Harmony Week

World Interfaith Harmony Week

The World Interfaith Harmony Week, through the grace of the King of Jordan – King Abdullah II – annually offers a prize to the event that most effectively promotes interfaith harmony in any country. Results are in for this years winners of the King Abdullah II Prize for World Interfaith Harmony Week 2015.

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