Tariq Ramadan writes: Ramadan is a time for Self-Criticism

The first Ramadan began with a man climbing a rocky mountain and retreating into a tiny cave. He sat there, alone, for a month of fasting, meditation, reflection and prayer, as he had many times before. He was trying to distil the mysteries of the universe, compassion and the knowledge of God.

Somewhere during the last ten days of that month, the angel Gabriel – the same angel that visited Mary in the Gospels – appeared to this man in his cave and had an exchange with him that would change his life, revolutionise his society and affect the world forever.

It was also an exchange that gives us profound lessons about the nature of our physicality, and the connection between our bodies and divine inspiration – lessons that have resonated through every Ramadan since.

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Pope Francis: Role of Women in Interreligious Dialogue

The Vatican’s dicastery for Interfaith and Interreligious Dialogue has been meeting on the topic of the role of women in interfaith and inter-religious activity. (In practice, at the local and grassroots level, women are centre and front of interfaith efforts, including dialogue.) Here, we bring you the address of Pope Francis to this plenary meeting of the dicastery.

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Interfaith meditation exercises – free online

Golden Rule
As the international interfaith movement grows, it is becoming more common to use sacred texts from several religious traditions in both individual and communal prayer. Multi-faith prayer services are one context that frequently features sacred writings from many religions. In addition, the Golden Rule may be used for a variety of meditations. Scarboro Missions have provided just such one resource.

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Stay the Course of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change

Religious believers are strongly committed to act to address the challenge of climate change. This commitment to act–shared across religions–is based upon a deep understanding of its scientific and–above all–moral and religious dimensions. As a result, many religious communities strongly supported the Paris Agreement that deals with greenhouse gas emissions mitigation, adaptation, and finance, signed in December 2015 by 195 countries.

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Submission: Freedom of Religion Inquiry

The Islamic Council of Victoria’s senior policy advisor has prepared a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and Trade, Inquiry into the Status of the human right to freedom of Religion or belief. The submission powerfully argues for the protection the human right of freedom of religion for Muslim-Victorians while highlighting cases and effects of breaches of this human right.

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Vatican Message to Muslims for Ramadan

The Vatican Message for Ramadan 2017 is to both Muslims and Christians and highlights caring for our common home. The message concludes with a prayer to care for all the members of the human family and for the whole of creation.

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Beauty and Wisdom in the Qur’an

Spirituality and Practice, an interfaith spirituality group, are offering an email course during the month of Ramadan with emails delivered on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, starting on May 29 through June 23 illustrating themes in the Qur’an. Interfaith Amigo Imam Jamal Rahman will be leading the course.

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Faith Over Fear

Today Religions for Peace, UNICEF and a global coalition of religious leaders are launching #FaithOverFear. Faith Over Fear is a global campaign to inspire people of all faiths to welcome and help refugees. The campaign will share a series of stories about families of faith from around the world who have opened their hearts, homes, and communities to refugees. By lifting up these heartwarming examples, Religions for Peace hopes to contribute to a more welcoming environment for refugees around the globe.

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The “Buddhist pop song” that took sixth at Eurovision

On Saturday, an Italian song about the emptiness of Western consumer culture came sixth at Europe’s wildly popular song competition, Eurovision. Occidentali’s Karma, by Francesco Gabbani, was Italy’s entry to the contest, and while the song (which is flush with Buddhist references) didn’t win, it was a hit with critics. The song was the most watched music video of the contest and was chosen as a favourite by fans and the press.

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