After allegations, Sogyal Rinpoche retires from Rigpa

Following discussion of allegations of abuse, Sogyal Rinpoche, Buddhist teacher and author of The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, “has decided, with immediate effect, to retire as spiritual director from all the organizations that bear the name of Rigpa in different countries around the world,” according to a press release from the organization dated today.

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Religions for Peace Co-President On Charlottesville

Racist, anti-Semitic, and xenophobic views have no place in a society that cherishes freedom and liberty for all. The right to speak and to hold repugnant views is not a right to circumscribe the ability of others to live in peace and security.” – Rabbi Rick Jacobs, Co-President of Religions for Peace.

Responding to the violence in Charlottesville, Rabbi Rick Jacobs has turned to all people of goodwill to delegitimize racial hatred and reaffirm civil unity in the United States.

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‘Religion Belongs to the Nature of Man,’ Stresses Cardinal Tauran

Cardinal Tauran is the President of the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue, the Vatican’s Interfaith Bureaux. Here, in the Italian edition of L’Osservatore Romano on August 9, 2017, Cardinal Tauran publishes an oration on how religion is con-sanguine with man.

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Victoria: Lectures at St Michael’s: Make Australia Great Again ….

How do we see the future? What are the main challenges facing Australia as we try and reconcile our history and our geography? How do we see our place at a time of mounting international, not to say, planetary, turbulence? Back by popular demand, Professor Joseph Camilleri OAM will present this two-part lecture series on 5th and 12th of September at St Michael’s Church, Collins Street, Melbourne.

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Promoting a Shared Society in Israel: Jews and Arabs Working Together

On the fifth of the Hebrew month of Iyar, 5708 (May 14, 1948), the leaders of the newly established State of Israel signed a Declaration of Independence. In it, among other things, they stated:

We appeal… to the Arab inhabitants of the State of Israel to preserve peace and participate in the up-building of the State on the basis of full and equal citizenship and due representation in all its provisional and permanent institutions.

Almost 70 years later, the State of Israel still struggles to balance its Jewish and democratic character – to remain committed to its Jewish values while at the same time remembering that those values obligate it to treat those who are not Jewish as equals.

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Buddhist Monk to “step back” after allegations of decades of abuse

Over several years, Religions for Peace Australia has provided a select coverage the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse as a service to the community documenting the examination – and responses – of non-Christian religions. No religion in Australia is above criminal law and the proper exercise of lawful duty and responsibility in the public domain. In this wise, we bring account of one Buddhist Rinpoche and allegations – albeit in another nation – as part of community service.

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Religion is the new frontier in workplace discrimination


Michael Wakelin, a consultant to UK businesses and associate at Cambridge University’s Interfaith Initiative – and speaker at the recent G20 Interfaith – says some people are “really hostile” to religion in the workplace. “Religion is now the biggest butt of jokes in the office. It’s replaced gender and race,” he says.

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Nations of the World Agree to ban Nuclear Weapons: Q and A

On 7 July, most of the world’s countries voted to ban nuclear weapons. None of them, however, actually have The Bomb. Countries that do – or rely on a nuclear weapons for defence – boycotted the vote. Despite this its backers argue that a treaty making nuclear weapons illegal is a long-overdue step towards nuclear disarmament, a process that has withered under existing treaties.

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Pope Supports International Climate Change Campaign

Following the 2nd Anniversary of his historic environmental encyclical, Pope Francis endorsed the Laudato Si’ Pledge campaign, which was also supported by many other Church leaders. Through the Pledge, the Global Catholic Climate Movement aims to mobilize at least 1 million Catholics to become directly engaged in turning Laudato Si into action to care for the planet.

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