National Survey: Sharing Muslim Stories

Sharing Muslim StoriesThe Race Discrimination Commissioner is undertaking a project to listen to and share the stories of Australian Muslims. He is holding national consultations with members of the Australian Muslim community about their needs and experiences of discrimination, Islamophobia and hate speech and their right to safely practice their religion. An online survey has been provided to record stories – different languages may be used to tell stories.

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10th World Assembly of Religions for Peace

Religions for Peace 10th World Assembly BranchThe 10th World Assembly of Religions for Peace will take place in Lindau, Germany under the theme “Caring for our Common Future ? Advancing Shared Well-being.” Delegates from Religions for Peace Australia will be attending the World Asembly. We bring an overview of the Conference, the handbook and related information.

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Earth Overshoot Day – 29 July 2019

Earth Overshoot Day 2019Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when humanity’s demand for ecological resources and services in a given year exceeds what Earth can regenerate in that year. We maintain this deficit by liquidating stocks of ecological resources and accumulating waste, primarily carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Earth Overshoot Day is hosted and calculated by Global Footprint Network, an international research organisation that provides decision-makers with a menu of tools to help the human economy operate within Earth’s ecological limits. in 2019, Earth Overshoot Day will be July 29th.

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Sharing the Stories of Australian Muslims

Sharing Muslim StoriesThe Race Discrimination Commissioner is undertaking a project to listen to and share the stories of Australian Muslims. He is holding national consultations with members of the Australian Muslim community about their needs and experiences of discrimination, Islamophobia and hate speech and their right to safely practice their religion.

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Islamic Leaders Calling for Tolerance

Charter of Makkah

As tensions mount in the Middle East, it might be easy from the West to imagine the Islamic world locked in an internecine political struggle, with each side wielding threats of open conflict and the violent rhetoric of exclusion.

Beyond the testy politics, however, Islamic religious leaders are speaking in greater unison than ever before. The message we are advancing is one of moderate Islam, and the promotion of peace, tolerance and love.

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Why Guru Purnima is unique to Hindu Dharma

Four gurus of HinduismMany religions honour their founder or great teacher in various ways. Hindu dharma is perhaps unique in honouring the guru or spiritual master as a principle in itself beyond any particular personality, philosophy or revelation.The true guru is a position of spiritual guidance, the illuminating presence of a higher awareness. The guru is not limited to any physical person, however exalted he or she may be.

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