Christians have moral duty to help migrants, refugees: Pope

Pope Francis unveils the statue "Angels Unaware"VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Christians have a moral obligation to show God’s care for all those who are marginalized, especially migrants and refugees, Pope Francis said. “This loving care for the less privileged is presented as a characteristic trait of the God of Israel and is likewise required, as a moral duty, of all those who would belong to his people,” the pope said in his homily Sept. 29 during an outdoor Mass for the 105th World Day of Migrants and Refugees.

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UN Plan of Action to Safeguard Religious Sites

United Nations Alliance of Civilisations LogoAmidst a global call by Secretary-General António Guterres to “reaffirm the sanctity” of religious sites and keep worshippers safe, the UN Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) on 12 September 2019 launched a new plan of action to “counter hate and violence around the globe”. The plan outlines a wide array of recommendations, such as for the UN to develop a global communications campaign to foster mutual respect and understanding; for States to create multi-disciplinary national plans anchored in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to prevent violent extremism; and for religious leaders to regularly engage in interfaith dialogue.

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Faiths for Forests campaign gains traction at UN Climate Action Summit

Faiths for Forests at RfP World AssemblyUNITED NATIONS (Sept. 23, 2019) — Mobilizing communities through faith, ethics and values can help achieve the scale and speed of change needed to halt tropical deforestation, a senior U.N. envoy said at a recent gathering of more than 900 religious leaders in Germany.

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UN Plan of Action to Safeguard Religious Sites

United Nations Alliance of Civilisations LogoAmidst a global call by Secretary-General António Guterres to “reaffirm the sanctity” of religious sites and keep worshippers safe, the UN Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) on 12 September 2019 launched a new plan of action to “counter hate and violence around the globe”. The plan outlines a wide array of recommendations, such as for the UN to develop a global communications campaign to foster mutual respect and understanding; for States to create multi-disciplinary national plans anchored in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to prevent violent extremism; and for religious leaders to regularly engage in interfaith dialogue.

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Religious and Indigenous Leaders United to Protect Rainforests

The Interfaith Rainforest Initiative Delegation with indigenous youth leaders Rainforests provide millions of people with food, shelter, livelihoods, medicine and clean water. If protected and restored, rainforests can provide an indispensable contribution to sustainable development. Instead, they are at grave risk.

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Religions for Peace Advances Interreligious Alliance between Myanmar and Indonesia to Respond to Regional Challenges

Religions for Peace Indonesia A 12-member delegation consisting of senior Buddhist, Christian, Muslim and Hindu leaders from Myanmar has travelled to Indonesia for a historic visit facilitated by Religions for Peace (RfP)International at the invitation of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia. The delegation met with H.E. Vice President Jusuf Kalla as well as leaders of the Interreligious Council of Indonesia-RfP, consisting of Indonesian Ulama Council, Nahdlatul Ulama, Muhammadiyah, Catholic Bishops Conference, Communion of Churches and Hindu, Buddhist and Confucian Associations.

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UN International Day of Peace

UN International Day of Peace LogoUN International Day of Peace this year occurs on Saturday 21 September 2019. This year’s theme draws attention to the importance of combating climate change as a way to protect and promote peace throughout the world. In the lead up to the International Day of Peace on 21 September, the United Nations calls upon all to take action to tackle climate change. Every human is part of the solution – from turning off the lights to taking public transport, to organising an awareness raising campaign in your community. The Theme is Climate Action for World Peace

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September: Season of Creation

Season of Creation logoGlobal support continues to grow for the Season of Creation, an annual celebration of prayer and action to protect creation that is celebrated by tens of thousands of Christians of all traditions around the world. Running from 1 September to 4 October, the Season of Creation’s beginning and end dates are linked with the concern for creation in the Eastern and the Western traditions of Christianity, respectively.

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