Religions for Peace Launches 2020-2025 Strategic Plan

2020-2025 Strategic Plan (5 March 2020 | Global) The Religions for Peace (RfP) global movement launched its 2020-2025 Strategic Plan, identifying and committing to six strategic goals to advance multi-religious collaborative action for peace: Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies; Gender Equality; Environment; Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion; Interreligious Education; and Global Partnerships.

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International Women’s Day 2020

International Women's Day 2020

International Women’s Day 2020 campaign theme is #EachforEqual

An equal world is an enabled world.

Individually, we’re all responsible for our own thoughts and actions – all day, every day.

We can actively choose to challenge stereotypes, fight bias, broaden perceptions, improve situations and celebrate women’s achievements.

Collectively, each one of us can help create a gender equal world.

Let’s all be #EachforEqual.

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Coronavirus is changing the way Muslims worship across the world

Disinfecting mosqueThe Kingdom of Saudi Arabia bans Umrah pilgrimage, Iran cancels Friday prayers and Singapore Muslims are urged to bring own mats to mosques. Religious authorities, meanwhile, are advising people how to pray or mark holy days without risking spreading COVID-19 further. The virus, which originated in China, has so far infected more than 93,000 people globally and killed more than 3,000.

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Victoria: “From Fear to Friendship – New Possibilities in Christian-Muslim Relations”

Joshua RalstonThe second annual Roach Lecture will be given by Dr Joshua Ralston at Toorak Uniting Church on Wednesday 1 April 2020. The title of the lecture is From Fear to Friendship – New Possibilities in Christian- Muslim Relations. In the light of recent developments, it has been deemed that the most prudent and responsible course of action was to postpone the Roach Lecture to a later date.

event cancelled

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USCIRF Releases New Factsheet on China’s Regulation of Religious Groups

United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF)Washington, DC – The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) today released the following new factsheet on China’s regulation of religious groups: China Factsheet – On February 1, 2020, the Chinese government’s Administrative Measures for Religious Groups went into effect. This regulation requires religious groups to obtain government permission for nearly every aspect of their operations.

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Multi-faith Leaders Push Australian Government to Act on Climate Change

Members of the Peoples Climate AssemblyThe People’s Climate Assembly (PCA), co-hosted by multi-faith leaders from the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC), gathered outside Parliament House in Canberra on 4 February, calling on the Australian government to take action on climate change. As a part of the peaceful protest, Anglican priest Fr. Rod Bower led an interfaith mourning ritual for victims of the widespread bushfires that have razed large areas of Australia. The ceremony of mourning was organized by the Canberra Interfaith Forum and the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture.

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Hong Kong Catholics told to attend mass online as virus spreads

A man wearing a face maskThe Vatican has sent over 500,000 masks to areas of China affected by the Coronavirus. Catholics living in Hong Kong have been asked to attend mass online only as the Church takes action against the spread of Coronavirus on the Island city. So far, 56 people have been diagnosed with the virus in Hong Kong, with several more still in quarantine.

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