Victoria: “From Fear to Friendship – New Possibilities in Christian-Muslim Relations”

Joshua RalstonThe second annual Roach Lecture will be given by Dr Joshua Ralston at Toorak Uniting Church on Wednesday 1 April 2020. The title of the lecture is From Fear to Friendship – New Possibilities in Christian- Muslim Relations. In the light of recent developments, it has been deemed that the most prudent and responsible course of action was to postpone the Roach Lecture to a later date.

event cancelled

Dr Ralston is Reader in Christian-Muslim Relations at the School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh and director and co-founder of the Christian-Muslim Studies Network funded by the Henry Luce Foundation. A sought-after speaker, he regularly delivers both public and academic lectures across the globe on issues related to Christian-Muslim relations, migration, religion and politics, Islam, and Christian theology.

His book, Law and the Rule of God: A Christian Engagement with Shari’a will be out later this year with Cambridge University Press. Dr Ralston’s interest in Islam and Christian-Muslim dialogue was formed not only through academic study, but through years of living in the Middle East-first in Cairo and then in Jerusalem and Ramallah.

At Toorak Uniting Church we are delighted to have Dr Ralston as our Roach Lecture speaker this year. We look forward to hosting this event which focuses on a subject which too often is misinterpreted or misreported with bias and prejudice. We are pleased to be able to make one small step towards a better understanding and dialogue between these two linked faith traditions.

The Facebook event can be found here:

