The Sydney Jewish community’s vigil for the victims and survivors of the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre

Last night, hundreds gathered at The Great Synagogue to pay their respects to the victims and survivors of the Tree of Life synagogue massacre in Pittsburgh, co-hosted by the ECAJ, the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies, Emanuel Synagogue, and The Great Synagogue.

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NSW: Christian response to disturbing global warming report

In the week of October 7 – 14, Christians from the Uniting Church, Anglican, Catholic and other traditions joined their efforts with a global faith-inspired response to the climate crisis. This comes as good news after the disturbing IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C.

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NSW: Living the Change in Sydney

Join us to celebrate LIVING THE CHANGE together at the Pitt Street Uniting Church, Sydney, on Saturday 13th October at 12:30pm, to celebrate people’s efforts to walk more gently on earth. Believers around the world are participating in a faith-led initiative to promote reasonably ambitious lifestyle changes in the areas of transport, diet and/or energy use. Living the Change is brought to you by Australian Religious Response to Climate Change, Religions for Peace Australia and United Religions Initiative.

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NSW Branch: Mysticism in your religion

The NSW Branch of Religions for Peace met at Parliament House, Sydney, to discuss “Mysticism in your religion”. Speakers were Ven Gayatripana (Hindu), Elder Norma Ingram (Indigenous), Rev MiaoYou (Buddhist), Lorraine Murphy (Christian), Rabbi Dr Orna Triguboff (Jewish), Zhora Aly (Muslim). The discussion was followed by very interesting Q&A. Religions for Peace were hosted by … Read more

NSW: Buddhist Retreat: Beauty and Sadness

Our lives are often caught between the experience of beauty and sadness, and sometimes we recognise the two in a single experience. The first disciple of the Buddha who entered the path entered through the gate of impermanence (anicca) and the Buddha proclaimed of him, “Kondanna knows”.

Most people avoid sadness and are fearful of anicca and see time as a kind of enemy, and yet it is a primary doorway leading to liberation. This weekend will be an invitation to enter into and to explore our experience of impermanence and its intimate relationship with beauty.

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The Daily Telegraph condemned for provocative headline

The Daily Telegraph, a Sydney based tabloid newspaper published by Nationwide News Pty Ltd has been widely condemned for its Islamophobic headline “ALLAH AK BARRED!” appearing against a background of flag waving ISIS gunmen on its front page published on Thursday 9 August 2018, while reporting on “Five Aussie terrorists stripped of their citizenship.

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NSW: 2018 Abraham Conference ~ Pillars of Peace

The interreligious Abraham Conference is an annual event that brings together Jewish, Christian and Muslim believers to discuss contemporary topics. This year the theme of the Conference will be Pillars of Peace: Jews, Christians & Muslims Working Together. The Conference takes place on Sunday 5 August at the Western Sydney University, Parramatta.

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