NSW: 2018 Abraham Conference ~ Pillars of Peace

The interreligious Abraham Conference is an annual event that brings together Jewish, Christian and Muslim believers to discuss contemporary topics. This year the theme of the Conference will be Pillars of Peace: Jews, Christians & Muslims Working Together. The Conference takes place on Sunday 5 August at the Western Sydney University, Parramatta.


The Abraham Conference is held in Sydney, Australia and is hosted by a committee of representatives from the three religious traditions. The partners involved in the 2018 Abraham Conference include: – Affinity Intercultural Foundation, Columban Mission Institute, NSW Jewish Board of Deputies, Uniting Church in Australia Synod of NSW & ACT, and the Coptic Orthodox Church in Australia, NSW Diocese.

The Abraham Conference returns in 2018 to an exciting new location: the Peter Shergold Building at Western Sydney University’s new Parramatta CBD campus.

This year, the panel will be discussing Pillars of Peace: Jews, Christians & Muslims Working Together.

The keynote will be given by Steve Killelea AM, Founder of the Institute for Economics and Peace which produces the Global Peace Index.

The conversation will be moderated by Professor Kevin Dunn, Dean of the School of Social Sciences and Psychology, WSU.

Event Details

Program: 2018 Abraham Conference
Date: Sunday 5 August 2018
Time: 2:00 pm – 5:30 pm AEST
Location: Western Sydney University, Level 9, Peter Shergold Building, 169 Macquarie Street Parramatta NSW
Cost: General Admission: $20
Cost: Concession: $10
Bookings: Online at Eventbrite

