NSW: 2019 Master Sheng Yen Lecture in Chinese Buddhism

The 2019 Master Sheng Yen Lecture in Chinese Buddhism will be given by Robert Sharf (University of California, Berkeley) on Monday 25 March, 6:00-7:30pm at New Law School Lecture Theatre (LT024), New Law Annexe F10A, University of Sydney. The lecture is presented by the University of Sydney School of Languages and Cultures.

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NSW: Religions for Peace NSW Branch meets

Another constructive and informative meeting of Religions for Peace took place at NSW Parliament House on February 11, 2019. Chaired in her inimitable style by Josie Lacey, historical retrospective by The Ven Gayatripani, discussion of research in to Interfaith dialogue. There was unanimous disgust at swastika graffiti in Sydney on the weekend. Many faiths, one group of friends.

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NSW: Psychological Science of Meditation: The state of the art and some Tibetan Buddhist Perspectives

The Sydney Social Sciences and Humanities Advanced Research Centre will host a Public Lecture by Dr. Peter Malinowski, Liverpool John Moores University on the Psychological Science of Meditation: The state of the art and some Tibetan Buddhist Perspectives.

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Launch of Josie Lacey’s Book ~ Walt Secord MLC

Josie Lacey With the Labor candidate for Newtown, Norma Ingram. She is a proud Wiradjuri Elder and the first indigenous Harvard graduate.
Josie Lacey with indigenous leader Aunty Norma Ingram, an old friend who is the Labor Party candidate for Newtown

At the Book launch of Josie Lacey’s Memoirs at the Jewish Museum yesterday – launched the Hon Walt Secord MLC – and attended by about 150 people. Rabbi of the Great Synagogue, and President of the Council of Christians and Jews gave a blessing for Peace.

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