Australia Round-up – 29 March

Religions in Australia

On this page, we seek to give account of how different faith communities in Australia – in many states – are providing devotional and spiritual activities for their adherents in this time of Coronavirus – when places of worship in Australia have been closed by the government. There is much information here, more is welcome. Use our contact page if you do not find your community listed, and you wish to have your commumnity’s offerings listed here.

Update: There are a number of new links added for Christian worship in languages other than English.

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Covid-19 Crisis: An Interfaith Statement

Religions for Peace Australia Logo

To Australia’s Religious, Political and Civic Leaders and to the People of Australia,

On Friday, March 20th, 2020, senior interfaith leaders from almost all Australian States and Territories met electronically. We decided to share this message with the Australian community.

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Australia-wide Jewish Responses to Coronavirus

Executive Council of Australian Jewry Logo

Jewish community organisations and leaders across Australia have rallied together to manage the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Jewish institutions, families, individuals and, most especially, the elderly and vulnerable.   The intense work done by the Jewish community roof bodies in each State, the Crisis Management Teams of the Community Security Groups, shules, the Day Schools, the aged care sector, the welfare sector and volunteers, all working in unison, has been nothing short of inspiring.   We are deeply indebted to all of them.  

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Australia needs to admit it has a white supremacy problem, extremism experts say

Nazi symbol in flameAs the first anniversary of the Christchurch mosque attacks approaches, two international extremism trackers say authorities need to do more to stop the “potential” for a right-wing terror attack in Australia.

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Christchurch Massacre Commemoration – March 15, 2020

Religions for Peace Australia

Sunday, March 15th will be the first anniversary of the Christchurch massacre at two of its mosques of 51 people (47 males, 4 females). The perpetrator was an Australian. Religions for Peace Australia issues a Call to Prayer for Faith Communities of Australia to commemorate this event.

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Religious leaders appeal to Scott Morrison as ‘fellow person of faith’ for more climate action

PM MorrisonReligious leaders have appealed to Prime Minister Scott Morrison as a “fellow person of faith” to heed climate science following the country’s catastrophic bushfire season. The open letter – signed by 18 Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim and other faith leaders – urges Mr Morrison to show leadership and urgently transition Australia away from fossil fuels.

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Declaration of Principles for the International Religious Freedom Alliance

US Department of State

The Alliance is a network of likeminded countries fully committed to advancing freedom of religion or belief around the world. (Religions for Peace International is a foundation member of the Alliance, hence, Religions for Peace Australia are also members of the Alliance.)

The Alliance is predicated on the idea more must be done to protect members of religious minority groups and combat discrimination and persecution based on religion or belief. The Alliance intends to advocate for freedom of religion or belief for all, which includes the right of individuals to hold any belief or none, to change religion or belief and to manifest religion or belief, either alone or in community with others, in worship, observance, practice and teaching. The Alliance is intended to bring together senior government representatives to discuss actions their nations can take together to promote respect for freedom of religion or belief and protect members of religious minority groups worldwide. Alliance members should be committed to the following principles and commitments and be willing to publicly and privately object to abuses, wherever they might occur.

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Australian Baha’i Community: Creating an Inclusive Narrative Project

tralian Bahai CommunityThe Australian Baha’i Community will conduct community roundtable discussions on social cohesion in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane and Darwin. These roundtables are an integral aspect of a national project being facilitated by the Australian Baha’i Community to collectively ‘Create an Inclusive Narrative’ for our country. The roundtables will take place in February, March and April of 2020.

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Statement regarding Australian bushfires

John Shine AC The Australian Academy of Science has given a statement about the bushfires that have ravaged Australia in the last few months. There is need for clarity around the issues of climate change and drought, man-made changes to the planetary warming and how man has treated the environment. It is time for clarity and for respect to others in this sometimes voluble conversation in the community.

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