Bishop Suriel Writes Inspiring Book on Educational Reformer Habib Girgis

More than ever, the world needs strong leaders, committed teachers and people filled with a life purpose. Such was the life embodied by a humble Coptic gentleman named Habib Girgis, who was born in Cairo in 1876 and lived in Egypt until 1951. There is much to be learnt from this man as highlighted in a new book by Leader of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Melbourne, Bishop Suriel.

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Joint Appeal for the Signing and Ratification of the Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons

Religions for Peace (RfP) and the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) seek your leadership and skillful interventions in urging your governments to sign and ratify the historic Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons adopted by over 120 governments at the United Nations (UN) on 7 July 2017.

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Double Exposure: Plays of the Jewish and Palestinian Diasporas

Double Exposure is a groundbreaking anthology of plays about the Israel-Palestine conflict. Playwrights Canada Press is pleased to announce the upcoming release of Double Exposure: Plays of the Jewish and Palestinian Diasporas, edited by Stephen Orlov and Samah Sabawi, the first English-language collection of its kind in any genre worldwide by Jewish and Palestinian writers.

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Misquoting Muhammad: The Challenge and Choices of Interpreting the Prophet’s Legacy

Few things provoke controversy in the modern world like the religion brought by Muhammad. Modern media are replete with alarm over jihad, underage marriage and the threat of amputation or stoning under Shariah law. Sometimes rumour, sometimes based in fact and often misunderstood, the tenets of Islamic law and dogma were not set in the religion’s founding moments. They were developed over centuries by the clerical class of Muslim scholars. Misquoting Muhammad takes the reader back in time through Islamic civilization and traces how and why such controversies developed, offering an inside view into how key and controversial aspects of Islam took shape.

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Letters to a Young Muslim

In a series of essays Omar Saif Ghobash (former UAE ambassador to Russia) offers a guide for young Muslims to navigate the complex 21st century. Although the book is written in the form of letters to his 15 year-old son Saif, the advice and counsel he offers is appropriate for Muslims of all ages. Sultan Sooud Al Qassemi read the book “Letters to a Young Muslim.”

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Interfaith Leadership: A Primer

patelWhat does it takes to Be an Interfaith Leader? Eboo Patel, founder and President of Interfaith Youth Core (at the White House, DC) has written one book on Interfaith Leadership. Below are excerpts from the opening and closing of the Introduction to Interfaith Leadership: A Primer, a new book from Eboo Patel being published by Beacon Press this August. Copyright by Eboo Patel.

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INTERVIEW: Humans Become God? Yes, It’s Catholic Theology


A new book, Called to Be the Children of God: The Catholic Theology of Human Deification, offers essays from more than a dozen Catholic scholars and theologians to examine what this process of “deification” means in their respective areas of study. ZENIT asked editor Fr. David Meconi, S.J., to tell us about this doctrine, which might sound anything but Catholic, and about the book.

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Coming of Age: Growing up Muslim in Australia

Book Cover, Coming of Age

Growing up not-white and Muslim in Australia means becoming inured to a media and popular culture reflecting back faces and worlds which bear little resemblance to an everyday reality punctuated with ritual, some kind of after-school class, parental expectations and confusion.

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Reading the Qur'an in the 21st Century – A Contextualist Approach

Book Cover

There is a need when reading the Quran in the 21st century, so everyone can understand and identify with it and the importance of looking at previous verses and the verses after it – a contextualist approach is needed. Prof. Abdullah Saeed of the Centre for Islamic Excellence has written one such text on this topic.

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