Victoria: Significant benefits of pastoral care confirmed in new report

A NEW report by researchers at ACU confirms the significant benefits of pastoral care to hospital patients and aged care residents. Almost all (99 per cent) of participants reported that that during their meetings with the pastoral practitioner they felt they were treated with dignity and respect.

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ACT: Writing in the sky says time to act on climate change is NOW

There was skywriting in Canberra, yesterday. It has now been confirmed that the message it was trying to deliver was an indication not to ignore the writing on the wall – or in this case, the sky. It has been confirmed that NOW is the time to act on Climate Change.

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Victoria: Commemoration of Genocide

In September 2015, the United Nations General Assembly established 9 December as the International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime. The Darebin Interfaith Network will conduct a two-stage commemoration on Sunday, 9 December 2018.

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Launch of Josie Lacey’s Book ~ Walt Secord MLC

Josie Lacey With the Labor candidate for Newtown, Norma Ingram. She is a proud Wiradjuri Elder and the first indigenous Harvard graduate.
Josie Lacey with indigenous leader Aunty Norma Ingram, an old friend who is the Labor Party candidate for Newtown

At the Book launch of Josie Lacey’s Memoirs at the Jewish Museum yesterday – launched the Hon Walt Secord MLC – and attended by about 150 people. Rabbi of the Great Synagogue, and President of the Council of Christians and Jews gave a blessing for Peace.

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Victoria Against Violence

Family violence is a national emergency in this state and across Australia. There is an urgent need for change. All forms of violence are unacceptable, yet family violence is pervasive. It shatters lives, families and communities. Now in its fourth year, Victoria Against Violence – which coincides with the global 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence campaign – calls on our community to commit to actions that change the culture that drives family violence.

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Canberra – The Human Face of Climate Change

The Multifaith Association of South Australia has organised a timely Climate Briefing, entitled: “The Human Face of Climate Change – the real costs of inaction”.This unique faith-led event is co-sponsored by the Parliamentary Friends of Multiculturalism and Religions for Peace Australia, and will be held inside the Australian Parliament House for all parliamentarians.

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Victoria: Engaging with the Courts

Religious leaders from different faith communities were among those invited to County Court of Victoria, the Hon. Peter Kidd and the Sir Zelman Cowen Centre.. Many community leaders were invited to participate in this session, in order that they come to understand the work of the court. In the video below, we see religious leaders and community leaders interacting with the County Court of Victoria.

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