Vaccination for the Common Good

Religions for Peace Australia

Religions for Peace Australia gives one message about the Common Good and the need for vaccination, in order to protect the entire community we call home. We understand vaccine hesitancy. People have various reasons for being hesitant. However, for the Common Good of the Australian community, as your interfaith leaders we want to encourage you all to be vaccinated as soon as possible, each one of us. We urge all faith leaders to take action and promote the Common Good.

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Leading Faith Communities in Difficult Times

Leading Faith Communities in Difficult Times The Pandemic – and lockdown – have presented both religious leaders and faith communities with challenges, particularly with delivery of normal religious observances when faith communities were barred from meeting in common due Covid-Safe restrictions applied by the various states and territory administrations. Here, Religious for Peace Australia gives one video of leading faith communities in difficult times.

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Multifaith and Interfaith History of Australia

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Religions for Peace Australia presents an overview of the Multifaith and Interfaith History of Australia, delivered by Emeritus Professor Desmond P. Cahill, OAM. This presentation commences with the history of the Macassans visiting Australia and their interactions with indigenous peoples. Colonialisation and European settlement and the dismissal of indigenous presence and spirituality in this land is related.

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Mental Health and Covid-19

Religions for Peace LogoReligions for Peace Australia has produced a series of video outlining issues around Covid 19 and multifaith matters. In this video, Rev. Chris Parnell, Interfaith Minister, gives an overview of mental health issues, faith and spirituality addressing mental health and references a simple strategy and further resources for mental health.

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Racism in times of Covid-19

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Religions for Peace Australia presents Racism in times of Covid-19, an account of racism and extremism in times of pandemic. This video – delivered by Emeritus Professor Desmond Cahill, OAM, touches on many bases and causes of racism generally, in addition to addressing far-right extremism in Australia, which has undoubtedly contributed to this issue.

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Tasmania – June 2021

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Greetings of Peace! We hope that everyone is taking special care for their wellbeing as we move into wintry weather and we’d like to pass on an encouraging reminder to book your COVID vaccination (1800 671 738) to ensure that we all stay safe, as far as we can.  Faith leaders have been encouraging their communities to do this.

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Dozens of multicultural and religious leaders gather in NSW to inspire COVID-19 vaccine confidence

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian pictured with various community and religious leaders Dozens of community and religious leaders have come together to receive their COVID-19 vaccinations in Sydney in a bid to show the jab is safe for people from all backgrounds. “The vaccine is safe for everybody no matter what background you’re from or what religion you’re from,” NSW Multicultural Minister Geoff Lee said.

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UN World Interfaith Harmony Week Lecture 2021

Senator Patrick DodsonOn 10 May 2021, the Parliamentary Friends of Multiculturalism in partnership with Religions for Peace Australia and the Canberra Interfaith Forum hosted the annual UN World Interfaith Harmony Week Lecture at the Theo Notaras Centre. The lecture was given by the indigenous Senator, Sen. Patrick Dodson. The topic addressed by Senator Dodson was Reconciliation and Multifaith: Aboriginal Worldviews and the Christian Heritage.

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Annual General Meeting 2020

Religions for Peace Australia

Religions for Peace Australia will conduct its Annual General Meeting reporting for the year 2020, online, on evening of Sunday 6 June 2021 at 7pm. The Guest Speaker is Dr Anne Pattel-Gray , of Australia First Nations Program – World Vision Australia, is the first indigenous person to be awarded a doctorate in theology in the 1990’s. The meeting will be online, all are invited. The title of Dr Anne Pattel-Gray’s talk will be Walk Alongside to Build Religious Inclusivity and Acceptance.

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Tasmania – May 2021

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Greetings of Peace! Our gratitude continues for our great fortune in being (mostly) free from the ravages of the pandemic and our loving thoughts go to other countries in the world, especially India at the moment, where there is such suffering.

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