Don’t hand power to dangerous people (even when they really want it) — a modest Buddhist proposal

Governments define psychological competency for witnesses and can require mental health screenings for military service and specific jobs, such as being a pilot. Why not for candidates for political office, as a check on voters’ susceptibility to demagoguery? (Odd Andersen / Jim Watson / AFP via Getty Images)

We are living in a time of transition. History is taking a new turn. Vladimir Putin has, at a minimum, reignited the cold war, and thermonuclear Armageddon is back on the list of imminent possibilities.

What makes these calamities uncanny is that they seem to emerge from one man’s bizarre, idiosyncratic ambition. While Russians elected him and seem to admire his strength, they surely don’t want an unhinged autocrat who is callous about their welfare and cavalier about the risk his actions pose to their lives and wellbeing. It is clear they made a mistake. They were fooled.

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