COP29 Interfaith Call to Action

Interfaith Liaison Committee to UNFCCCThe Interfaith Liaison Committee to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change has issued a Call to Action. The Call to Action commences,

We stand at a crossroads, facing an existential threat to life on Earth as we know it. The urgency to act cannot be overstated. As people of faith from diverse traditions, we believe the climate emergency must be addressed on a moral level, with decisions driven by honesty, compassion, courage, trust, and foresight. The survival of our planet and future generations depends on the choices made today.

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Multifaith Climate and Fossil Fuel Action: National Multifaith Services

The Australian Religious Response to Climate Change

On Thursday October 13th people of all faiths both in Australia and around the Pacific will come together to show our support for an open letter to Prime Minister Albanese that will be signed by senior faith leaders both from Australia and the Pacific calling on the Australian Government to:

  • Stop approving new coal and gas projects
  • End public subsidies for coal and gas projects
  • Actively participate in creating a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty to phase out fossil fuels and support a just transition.

These issues are right at the top of the political agenda right now both domestically and when it comes to what Pacific nations have been calling on Australia to do.

In support of this open letter there will be multi-faith services in cathedrals and other iconic places of worship across both in Australia and the Pacific on the same day.

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Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty

Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation TreatyFaith leaders make the moral case for a global just transition away from coal, oil and gas: As leaders across diverse religious and spiritual communities around the globe, we call on governments to develop and implement a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.

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Fossil fuels were always dangerous. Now they’re fueling war on my doorstep.

A woman reacts in front of destroyed apartment buildings
A woman reacts in front of destroyed apartment buildings March 17 in Mariupol, Ukraine. (CNS/Reuters/Alexander Ermochenko)

Svitlana Romanko is zero fossil fuels campaign manager for the Laudato Si’ Movement and based in Ukraine. She has been an environmental lawyer for over 20 years and holds a Ph.D. in environmental, natural resources, land and agrarian law, and a doctorate on climate change law, climate governance and climate policy. She also worked for, and campaigned for a Just Green Recovery and Green Deal in Eastern Europe. Here, Svitlana writes about war in Ukraine and the move for faith based organisations to divest from fossil fuels.

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