Ecumenical Patriarch: The Need for Dialogue Today

Visit of the Ecumenical Patriarch to Australia

His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew has been visiting Australia since 4 October 4, his final appointment will take place on 19 October 2024.

While here, His All-Holiness was awarded and honorary doctorate degree from the Notre Dame University in Sydney, where he gave an address entitled “The Need for Dialogue Today.”

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Unveiling of the statue of the Ecumenical Patriarch

Patriarch BartholomewA sculpture that will evoke memories of the Apostolic visit to Australia by the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew—known for his simplicity, warmth, and approachability—will stand as a landmark at the premises of the Holy Monastery of Panagia “Axion Esti” in Northcote, Melbourne.

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Ecumenical Patriarch arrives in Australia

Ecumenical Patriarch BartholomewOn evening of Friday, 4 October, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew arrived at Sydney International Airport as part of his official visit to Australia. The Patriarch will preside over the centenary celebrations of the Orthodox Church in Australia. The airport was filled with Orthodox Christian Australians eager to greet their spiritual leader.

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Prime Minister Welcomes Ecumenical Patriarch

 Prime Minister Welcomes Ecumenical Patriarch

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has met with the worldwide head of the Greek Orthodox Church as part of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew’s tour of the country to mark a century of the church in Australia.

Mr Albanese and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew on Saturday met with parishioners and were part of a procession at the Cathedral of the Annunciation of Our Lady in Redfern in Sydney.

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew is the leader of 300 million Greek Orthodox Christians worldwide and more than 400,000 in Australia.

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Sacred Ecology: An Interfaith Perspective

Patriarch Bartholomew I

Patriarch Bartholomew I, the Archbishop of Constantinople and the spiritual leader of Eastern Orthodox Christians, is in Lisbon this week for a conference on interreligious dialogue.

On Wednesday morning, he delivered a stirring speech to the KAICIID interfaith forum on the “spiritual obligation” to fight against climate change.

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Webinar “From Nicaea, Walking Together to Unity: the beginning of a new beginning

Webinar “From Nicaea, Walking Together to Unity: the beginning of a new beginning

A webinar on 8 February, “From Nicaea, Walking Together to Unity: the beginning of a new beginning,” will offer deep reflections on the Council of Nicaea and its enduring legacy for Christians today. The Nicaean Council had highlighted the values of Christianity. We too are called today to light the Cross and Resurrection: hope in a time of anguish and conflicts.

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Address by His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew at the WCC Town-Hall Discussion on Interfaith Dialogue, Climate Change, and Refugee Displacement

Ecumenical Patriarch BartholomewAddress by His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew at the WCC Town-Hall Discussion on Interfaith Dialogue, Climate Change, and Refugee Displacement – at the Religious Leaders Unite for Climate Peace in Solidarity with Refugees, Ecumenical Center, Geneva, Switzerland 12 December 2023.

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Pope Francis Address at Church of Saint Maria in Aracoeli

Pope FrancisThis event is promoted by the Community of Sant’Egidio (presided over by Impagliazzo). Every year, the Meeting recalls the historic Day of Prayer for Peace convoked in Assisi by St. Pope John Paul II in 1986, with representatives of all the world religions. Below is given the address of Pope Francis: It is a gift to pray together. I greet all of you cordially and with gratitude, especially my brother, His Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, and dear Bishop Heinrich, President of the Council of the Evangelical Church of Germany.

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China: Overcoming environmental degradation through a green growth economy: The role of religious leadership

China Interfaith MeetingOvercoming environmental degradation through a green growth economy: The role of religious leadership was presented to the International Seminar on Interfaith Exchanges and Shared Future for Humanity, sponsored by the China Committee for Religions and Peace, Beijing, in December of 2019 by Emeritus Professor Desmond Cahill, Deputy Moderator – Religions for Peace Asia, and Chair, Religions for Peace Australia.

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Religious Leaders from 125 Countries Gather in Lindau to Promote Common Action for Positive Peace at the Religions for Peace 10th World Assembly

Religions for Peace 10th World Assembly logo(20 August 2019 | Lindau, Germany) The Religions for Peace 10th World Assembly, in partnership with Ring for Peace and generously supported by the German Federal Foreign Office and Bavarian State Ministry, formally commenced this morning with an opening address offered by German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and a multi-religious prayer lead by children of faith from across the globe.

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