On Sunday 12 June, Multifaith SA is taking part in the Sacred Earth Sacred Trust Thunderclap global event. This is s a worldwide day of Prayer and Action for our People and Our Planet.
COP 21
Sign the Interfaith Statement on Climate Change
The Interfaith Climate Change Statement to World Leaders (2016) outlines religious leaders and faith communities positive judgement of the adopted Paris Agreement and urges for its prompt signature and ratification by governments so that it can come into force as soon as possible. It also insists that there is a significant increase in the current levels of ambition relating to emission reductions, financial flows, adaptation, loss and damage and a swift phase out of fossil fuel subsidies – so as to keep temperatures within reach of 1.5C.
Interfaith "climate pilgrims" hand petition to UN ahead of COP21
Paris: Hundreds of people from around the world gathered in Saint-Denis, north of Paris, on Saturday to give a “climate justice” petition signed by over a million to the UN climate chief ahead of the COP21 conference.