NSW: New religious vilification protections a step forward for faith in NSW

Religious vilification ban

In a step forward for the protection of religious freedom in NSW, Parliament has passed a religious vilification amendment to the state’s Anti-Discrimination Act on 3 August making it an offence to “incite hatred towards, serious contempt for, or severe ridicule” of a person or group of people on religious grounds.

Under the new law, which passed the NSW Legislative Assembly on 3 August, a punishable public act of vilification includes any form of communication to the public whether verbal or non-verbal.

People who do not have a religious belief or affiliation or do not engage in religious activity are also protected under the new law.

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Human rights lawyers highlight flaws in NSW Government’s approach to Religious Vilification

Australian Lawyers for Human RightsAustralian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) has highlighted serious flaws in the New South Wales Government’s Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Religious Vilification) Bill 2023 (the Bill). The Bill seeks to include religious vilification as an offence under the NSW Anti-Discrimination Act 1977. Under the Bill, it would become unlawful to publicly invite hatred towards or severely ridicule a person or group because of their religious belief, affiliation or activity.

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