On World Refugee Day, “Every Action Counts”

World Refugee Day LogoOn 20 June, World Refugee Day will be observed with the theme “Every Action Counts” by all who are striving for a more just, inclusive, and equal world. The UN Refugee Agency, in a Global Trends report released this week, indicates that 1% of all of humanity is displaced. That is 79.5 million people fleeing conflict, violence and persecution worldwide.

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60 Years of Christian Unity – Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity

Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity logoIn the field of multilateral relations, the major partner of the Catholic Church is the World Council of Churches (WCC). Founded in 1948, it is the broadest and most inclusive ecumenical organization, bringing together 350 Christian denominations including Orthodox, Lutherans, Reformed, Anglicans, Methodists, Baptists as well as United and Independent churches. Altogether they represent over 500 million Christians worldwide.

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Statement on the Role of Churches in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Love, Steadfastness, Hope and Courage

Prayer in a time of Pandemic

The World Council of Churches executive committee released a public statement on the role of churches in the context of COVID-19. Focused on love, steadfastness, hope and courage, the statement reflects on the damage COVID has wreaked over the last five months—and how churches can offer hope.

“Though in some ways the pandemic has been a great equalizer in its range and global impact, it is also exposing and exacerbating the deep divisions, injustices, economic inequalities and racism in our societies,” the statement reads. “Churches and faith communities are called to accompany the most vulnerable people and communities, as well as to be in solidarity with each other.”

The church is called to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth, the statement reads. “We pray that churches everywhere will be empowered and equipped to be messengers of unity, trust and truth, against the voices promoting division, suspicion and unsubstantiated rumour.”

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Brisbane: WCC’s Commission of Churches on International Affairs meets

WCC Commission of Churches on International Affairs in BrisbaneThe 57th meeting of the WCC’s Members of the Commission of Churches on International Affairs (CCIA) gathered for the Prayer service in St. John’s Anglican Cathedral in Brisbane, Australia, opening the 57th CCIA meeting on 19 February 2020. Agenda of the meeting include impacts of the climate change and nuclear testing on the countries in the Pacific region.[/caption] (CCIA) has convened from 19 to 21 February in Brisbane, Australia focusing on the priority issues of Pacific region.

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World Council of Churches launches Current Dialogue

Launch of Current DialogueA lively interchange on the rapidly changing landscape of interreligious encounter marked the  launch of a new journal at the Ecumenical Centre on Friday, 7 February. The occasion was the unveiling of the new incarnation of Current Dialogue, the pioneering World Council of Churches periodical on interreligious dialogue.

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Vatican: Council for Inter-Religious Dialogue Meets with World Council of Churches

Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue LogoThe Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue hosts a one day meeting aimed at enhancing interreligious solidarity in the service of a vulnerable and wounded humanity. The Prefect of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, Cardinal Ayuso, tells, We are called to collaborate in healing the wounds of our humanity.

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Interfaith Declaration on Climate Change for COP 25 Madrid, 2019

On the penultimate day of COP 25, a sign in the corridors reminds delegates of the urgency of reaching a positive outcome.

The most recent Climate Change Conference – called COP 25 – concluded yesterday in Madrid, Spain. Faith Communities, including the Brahma Kumaris and Religions for Peace International (both of whom have offices in the UN plaza in New York) (with a large delegation from the Lutheran World Federation) joined together with many faiths, many voices to produce a Faith-inspired declaration on Climate Change. This was delivered to the Deputy Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change by the World Council of Churches – in service and on behalf of all faith communities. The document is called Interfaith Declaration on Climate Change for COP 25 Madrid, 2019 . You may read this document in full:

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World Council of Churches says Climate Emergency is on us TODAY

World Council of Churches

The World Council of Churches Executive Committee, in a statement, said that the climate crisis is not a distant prospect, but is upon us today.

“Children, young people and ordinary citizens have made public demonstration of their outrage at the lack of any adequate response by governments to the gravity of this global crisis, and against the backsliding by some governments,” the statement reads. “The time for debate and disputation of established scientific facts is long over.”

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World Council of Churches celebrates the commitment of churches towards children

30 Years of the Convention on the Rights of the Child“Churches can help respond to the urgent demands of the children who march in the streets for our planet,” said moderator of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Central Committee, Dr Agnes Abuom, during the Executive Committee celebratory break marking the 30th anniversary of the Convention of the Rights of the Child.

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As Climate Summit begins, churches call for action now!

Churches march for Climate Justice in New YorkAs states gather at the United Nations for the Climate Action Summit, taking place on 23 September, the ACT Alliance, Lutheran World Federation and World Council of Churches, which together represent 580 million Christians globally, are strengthening their collective call for climate justice and immediate action.

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September: Season of Creation

Season of Creation logoGlobal support continues to grow for the Season of Creation, an annual celebration of prayer and action to protect creation that is celebrated by tens of thousands of Christians of all traditions around the world. Running from 1 September to 4 October, the Season of Creation’s beginning and end dates are linked with the concern for creation in the Eastern and the Western traditions of Christianity, respectively.

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