Multifaith Committee Open Letter

The Victoria Police has maintained relations with community groups and religious groups in their profile of community relations. Senior leaders of groups in Victoria have been meeting periodically with the command of Victoria Police in order to further harmony and understanding in the community, which is one of the foundations of interfaith activity.

The Victoria Police has maintained relations with community groups and religious groups in their profile of community relations. Senior leaders of groups in Victoria have been meeting periodically with the command of Victoria Police in order to further harmony and understanding in the community, which is one of the foundations of interfaith activity.

Chair of Religions for Peace Australia, Prof. Des Cahill – along with former Chair, Prof. Gary Bouma, have been members of the Victoria Police Multifaith Committee for many years and participated in regular iterations with Police and Faith groups and their leadership. This is both effective interfaith relations and excellence in community protection.

We append the Open Letter of the Victoria Police Multifaith Committee under our own signature of Religions for Peace Australia, along with signatures of all faith leaders participating in this meeting. You may download this letter below.

An open letter to the Community of Victoria

We, the members of the Victoria Police Multi-Faith Council, are writing to the Victorian community to affirm our rejection of all violence, particularly that which is based on sectarianism.

The terrible scenes that have appeared on the internet and on our TV screens over the last few months are abhorrent to all fair minded Victorians. These events have caused many of us to reassess how we live our lives and how we relate to each other across our wonderful multi-faith and multicultural community.

We need to protect what we have built as a community. Together, we can keep each other safe.

Our Prime Minister has raised the public alert levels from Medium to High. In this context, we believe the best way to face potential threats is to work together, inclusively. This approach has served Victorians well for decades.

We must remember the things which have made this state great, our commitment to law and order, a history of working and cooperating with each other, and strong support for those in need, no matter what our religion or race.

During this difficult time, we need to be culturally sensitive, respectful and understanding. While recognising differences we also need to embrace and celebrate our similarities.

All of us have the right to worship and practice our faith. The strength of our multiculturalism and faith diversity has provided a strong foundation to face challenges in a positive and peaceful way.

The security of the Victorian community is everyone’s responsibility and we are asking and encouraging all faith communities to work with us to keep Victoria safe.

At a local level, we are asking the leaders of our faith groupings to encourage and remind their communities that:

  • the security changes are about criminal activity occurring both nationally and internationally;
  • suspicious activities should be reported to the National Security Hotline on 1800 123 400 or Triple Zero (000);
  • any acts of religious or racial vilification should be reported immediately to Triple Zero (000); and
  • liaison with local police is encouraged to strengthen safety and community connections.

Faith leaders also have a role to encourage community members to pursue their values and beliefs while simultaneously responding and reporting discrimination or other illegal activity.

Victoria Police have undertaken to respond to any complaints in a fair and unbiased manner using human rights principles.

The Council stands united with Victoria Police in its belief that the cohesion and harmony which exists across our state will be our greatest asset in keeping each other safe so that we can continue enjoying one of the most successful multicultural and multi-faith societies in the world.

The Victoria Police Multi-Faith Council is a long established grouping of faith leaders which provides advice to the Chief Commissioner. Following the elevation of the National Terrorism Public Alert Level to High, the Council met with the Chief Commissioner and agreed to encourage all members of the community to work together in the interests of public safety.

(signed by all present)
The Victoria Police Multi-Faith Council

Download the Open Letter

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The Victoria Police Multi-Faith Council, Multicultural and Aboriginal Portfolio Reference Groups have met to discuss events that took place overnight and remain united in leading their communities


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