Melbourne University, Melbourne Law School will offer a Free Public Lecture on Religion and Law to be given by Lord Dyson at Melbourne University on Wednesday 17 September 2014 from 6pm – 7pm.
In this lecture Lord Dyson MR considers the relationship between religions and the general law, not least how it is developing in the light of the European Convention on Human Rights.
In 1959 Grace Melvin Turner, bequeathed 10,000 pounds for the establishment of a lectureship in memory of her father, Sir George Turner. Sir George, born 1851, completed the articled clerks’ course and was admitted to practise in 1881. Sir George Turner’s career was a life dedicated to public service. He was Mayor of St Kilda, became Solicitor-General of Victoria and in 1894 became Premier of Victoria. Sir George then entered Federal politics and became Treasurer presenting the first four Commonwealth budgets.
What: Sir George Turner Public Lecture: Religion and the Law
When: Wednesday 17 September 2014 from 6pm – 7pm
Where: Woodward Centre, Level 10, Melbourne Law School, 185 Pelham St., Carlton
Cost: Free, Registration online required: here
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