The Jewish Museum of Australia is committed to developing and delivering an annual series of short courses, focussed around the Museum’s permanent and temporary exhibition program, to complement and extend the exhibition themes.
The Jewish Museum of Australia is located at 25 Alma Road St Kilda, Victoria, 3182. Museum hours are Tuesday–Thursday: 10am–4pm Sunday: 10am–5pm, Closed on Jewish Holy Days.
Courses include:
- Belief and Ritual / Weekly guest lecturers
- One Year One Tanach / Weekly lecturers
- Judaism in the Universe of Faiths / Rabbi Fred Morgan
- Living the Diaspora Life 1600 years of Judaism in North Africa 800 BCE to 800 CE / Geoff Jenkins
- Jewish Music: Past present and future / Henry Wenig
- ow Jesus the faithful Jew became a Christian / Paul Forgasz
For all the full details and booking pages
For more details please contact 61 3 8534 3600