Greenfaith ARRCC proudly presents the launch of: Climate Action Kits ~ Resources for faith communities helping to turn concerns about climate into action.
Climate Action kits are guides to adherents of different religions in that they might understand the need for action on Climate Change. The Earth is our Mother, and we all face the question: Where would we be without our Mother Earth?
This launch of Climate Action Kits in Melbourne is a joint activity of Greenfaith Australia (author of many Walking Humbly Journeys across the nation – spiritual appreciation of our land and landscape) and the Australian Religious Response to Climage Change, a national advocacy body of religions who have come together to partner for action on climate change. The ARRCC has conducted a number of events in the Nation’s Capital, Canberra, and in other places.
Greenfaith ARRCC is the Victorian Branch of the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change. It is a Multifaith group committed to addressing the issues of climate change and the environment.
What: Launch of Climate Action Kits
When: Tuesday, 8 April 2014 Time: 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Where: Multicultural Hub, 506 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, Victoria (opposite the Queen Victoria Market).
Cost: Free
Registration:: Free, Online at Eventbrite
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