The Multicultural Health and Support Service (MHSS) invites all spiritual and community leaders to participate in the Hand in Hand Forum: Partnering with spiritual and community leaders in preventing HIV transmission in migrant and refugee communities.
The Multicultural Health and Support Service (MHSS) cordially invites all spiritual and community leaders to attend a forum to discuss the role of stigma in HIV prevention. The stigma attached to HIV can often lead to silence on the issue, fuelling its spread within migrant and refugee communities.
Input from spiritual and community leaders is essential to move this discussion forward.
In the forum, you will have the opportunity to:
- discuss perceptions about HIV in your community
- identity how we can partner in preventing HIV transmission and addressing stigma
- contribute to the development of a resource on the role of spiritual and community leaders in preventing HIV transmission and caring for those people who are living with it
If you are unable to attend in person, we will have a live online moderated space for the forum. Log in at 8.30am (AEST) and join the discussion. Follow this link and participate via keyboard or webcam:
The Multicultural Sexual Health Network (MSHN) was established by MHSS to bring together stakeholders from different sectors to discuss emerging health issues. From these dicsussions, we aim to colloborate in achieving better health outcomes for multicultural communities.
Free registration:
What:Hand in Hand Forum: Partnering with spiritual and community leaders in preventing HIV transmission in migrant and refugee communities
When: Tuesday 11 March 2014 Time: 9am-1pm
Where: Department of Health | 50 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000
Cost: Free