The Carmelite Centre of Melbourne will conduct A Readers’ Festival of Spirituality: Intersection of the Timeless with Time on Thur 24, Fri 25, Sat 26 May 2018 at the Carmelite Library, Middle Park, Vic.
Writers’ Festivals are a staple of Australian cultural life but we have turned it around, asking what favourite spiritual writers readers read. Our attention is on spirituality, on individual spiritual writers, and includes anyone who lived in the last one hundred years. T.S. Eliot wrote of the Intersection of the timeless with time. The period constraint (1918-2018) provides a framework in which to reflect on our own present world and that of the immediate past generations. Some will see this span as modern and post-modern, others as pre- and post-Vatican II, others as before and after the start of the Anthropocene, and there will be other ideas of transition within the period. All are valid and welcome.
This is a unique opportunity to hear a variety of speakers on their spiritual reading and the spiritual life today. Our Symposium will be diverse, ecumenical, and imaginative. Book here:
Thursday 24 May
Arrive and Register 10.30 -11.15
Enjoy a cuppa and chat with other participants
Browse in the Carmelite Library
Session One 11.30-1.00 pm
Austin Cooper on Dorothy L. Sayers
Hugh Brown on Henri Nouwen
Session Two 2.30-4.00 pm
Graeme Garrett and Jan Morgan on the Earth
Anne Elvey on Paul Celan
Session Three 4.30-6.00 pm
Robyn Reynolds on Ivone Gebara
Ruth Harrison on Raimon Panikkar
Session Four 7.30-9.30 pm
Michael McGirr on Flannery O’Connor
Carol O’Connor on John O’Donohue
Friday 25 May
Session Five 9.30-11.00 am
Glenn Loughrey on Thomas Merton
John Dupuche on Henri Le Saux osb, (aka Abhishiktananda)
Session Six 11.30-1.00 pm
Susan Frykberg on Cynthia Bourgeault
Chris Morris on Bruno Barnhart
Session Seven 2.30-4.00 pm
Katharine Massam on Mary Eymard Temby
Philip Harvey on Ruth Burrows
Saturday 26 May
Retreat with Paul Beirne 10.00 am -12 noon
Drawing on the themes of the Readers’ Festival
Book Here
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