The Coordinator and Staff of the Columban Mission Institute’s Centre for Christian-Muslim Relations will launch The Golden Rule Poster at Parliament House, NSW.
The Golden Rule Poster will be launched at Parliament House Theatrette by The Hon. Victor Dominello MP Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Minister for Citizenship and Communities on Wednesday 19th June 2013.
Religions for Peace (NSW) and The Coordinator and Staff of the Columban Mission Institute’s Centre for Christian-Muslim Relations cordially invite you to the Official Launch of The Golden Rule Poster, with the ethic of reciprocity – treat others as you want them to treat you – in the sacred texts of thirteen different religions, including Aboriginal Spirituality.
The Golden Rule Poster is an exciting new Australian interfaith resource promoting interreligious and intercultural harmony. It is ideal for schools, hospitals, councils, prisons and places of worship.
Keynote Address: Australia, Land of Dreaming, Diversity and Welcome by Dr Tom Calma AO
Dr Tom Calma, inspirational and inclusive advocate for human rights and social justice, has dedicated his life to improving the lives of all Australians and particularly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. For the past four decades he has championed the importance of empowerment – a passion that runs through his work in education, training, employment, health, justice reinvestment and development.
Panel Discussion Living the Golden Rule facilitated by Dr Rachael Kohn, with leading representatives from different Religions: Aboriginal, Baha’i, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism
Dr Rachael Kohn (Facilitator) is an Author and broadcaster, has presented and produced programs on Religion and Spirituality for ABC Radio National, including The Religion Report, Religion Today, and since 1997, The Spirit of Things.
Supported by The Members of Religions for Peace (RfP) NSW
What: Launch of the Golden Rule Poster
When: Wednesday 19th June 2013. Morning Tea served at 10.00 am Official Programme 10.30 am – 12.00 noon
Where: Theatrette, NSW Parliament, 6 Macquarie Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
What: Launch of the Golden Rule Poster
When: Wednesday 19th June 2013. Morning Tea served at 10.00 am Official Programme 10.30 am – 12.00 noon
Where: Theatrette, NSW Parliament, 6 Macquarie Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
RSVP RSVP by 12th June 2013 to Columban Mission Institute, Locked Bag 2002, Strathfield NSW 2135
More Information Phone: (02) 9352 8000
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Golden Rule Poster, including Australian Aboriginal Ethic