The 3rd AUSTRALASIAN CONFERENCE ON ISLAM: “Refuting the Theological Foundations of Violent Extremism and Radicalisation” will be conducted by Deakin University, Melbourne City Campus on 13-14 October, 2016
This event is organised by:
- Islamic Sciences and Research Academy of Australia
- Centre for Islamic Studies and Civilisation, Charles Sturt University
- Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalization, Deakin University
- The Australian Catholic University and the
- Australian Intercultural Society
This conference aims to explore the causes of radicalisation from theological as well as sociological perspectives with an objective to offer authentic theological responses and sociological understandings of literalist/selective religious interpretations and radical narratives.
There is no doubt that the emergence of violent extremism, in particular ISIS, has created a major political and security challenge not only to the world but also to the global Muslim community. Particularly in relation to the way Islam is being understood and characterised in the modern world. In a much debated article ‘What ISIS Really Wants’, Graeme Wood claims that ISIS isn’t just “Islamic”, but “very Islamic”. Haroon Moghul’s ‘Why It (Still) Makes Little Sense to Call ISIS Islamic‘ is a response to argue that ISIS is not Islamic at all.
Whichever position one holds, the truth of the matter is that radicalised groups like ISIS use concepts of Islam to justify their actions and recruit Muslims. Existing studies on radicalisation generally deal with causes and strategies to address violent extremism. What lacks is an authoritative Islamic response and refutation of radical use of Islamic concepts.This conference aims to explore the causes of radicalisation from theological as well as sociological perspectives with an objective to offer authentic theological responses and sociological understandings of literalist/selective religious interpretations and radical narratives.
Cost: $65 – $280