DIAN/Interfidei will conduct the third of their discussion series on Anti-Human Trafficking online on 7 May 2024. This discussion is open to the public. Sign language interpreters and translators from Indonesian to English are available.
Human Trafficking event May 7th
The proliferation of human trafficking related to not only the locus of the crime, both at the national level, between the originating sending region (seller) and the recipient (user), as well as at the international level, between the sending country (seller) and the recipient (user), but also the mode, type, and diversity of the crime. Human trafficking and the operation of their mafia networks are extraordinary, involving various “groups”. Starting from families, members of the wider community to the “owners of capital”, it can also be suspected that even “unscrupulous” government officials have a hand in facilitating the practice of this crime, up to the “unscrupulous” security forces.
It all stems from “the absence of a conscience that touches the consciousness of life and humane mutual life” through logic and positive and healthy activities. Therefore, it manifests in the practice of crimes against humanity like this. All in the name of “economic necessity”. The question is, how low has the dignity, intellect and conscience of a person, who is equally human but is willing and dare to sacrifice another fellow human being? “It is also because of the injustice and unlawfulness still blatantly happening, which is evidently not in favour of the victims. Even until now the main perpetrators: “masterminds, fabricators and financiers” have not been touched.” Therefore, it is hoped that:
a. The work of this Network in a collaborative manner will become clearer, broader, stronger and more targeted,
b. Crimes against humanity through Human Trafficking will decrease and eventually reach the “point of zero”.
The development of the crime of Trafficking in Persons, is not only related to the crime locus, both at the National level, between the sender (seller) and the receiver (user/user) regions, as well as at the International level, between the sending (seller) countries and the recipient (user/user). But also the mode, type, creativity of Human Trafficking crimes and how their mafia networks work are truly extraordinary, involving various “groups”. Ranging from families, general citizens to “capital owners”, even suspicious “oknum” of the government has a stake in launching this criminal practice to the “oknum” security authorities.
Everything is based on “no conscience touching life consciousness and humanely coexistence life” with positive and healthy logic and activity. Because it is embodied in practice of this kind of criminal acts of humanity. All that in the name of “economic need”. The question is, is it as low as dignity, conscience of a person, who is equally human but willing and has the courage to sacrifice another human being? Also because of blatant injustice and legal unfairness that are still happening, which clearly are not in the favor of the victims. Including so far the main culprits: “brain, designer and capitalist” have not been translated.
We invite all those who take this issue seriously and seriously to attend this series of discussions
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
At 19.00 – 21:30 UTC/GMT +7 hours … WIB – Western Indonesian Time – No DST.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 817 2903 1849
Passcode: damai
This discussion is open to the public. Sign language interpreters and translators from Indonesian to English are available. Confirm attendance via WA: +62 823-2203-8576