Religions for Peace Australia ~ Annual General Meeting 2022

Religions for Peace Australia

Religions for Peace Australia will conduct its Annual General Meeting reporting for the year 2020, online, on evening of Sunday 19 June 2022 at 7pm. The Guest Speaker is Professor Samina Yasmeen AM who will give an address on Promoting Social Cohesion: Children as the agents of change. This talk will explore how children have been exposed to jihadi literature, Islamization and have been othered in non-Muslim majority countries (such as Australia). It will suggest that children need to be brought on board from an early age to promote cohesive societies.

The mission of Religions for Peace Australia is to work for interreligious peace and harmony and for social cohesion in Australia as well as upholding the universal values of authentic religion and spirituality. Its aims are:

  • (a) to work with faith traditions and religious organisations for interreligious understanding and harmony in Australia, including the right to freedom of belief, and across the world
  • (b) to highlight the salience of religion in multifaith Australia, highlighting its resources and the importance of religion and spirituality in national life
  • (c) to work with religious and interfaith organisations as well as with government and civil agencies in achieving social cohesion in Australia
  • (d) to create social wealth for the Australian nation, ensuring that the role of religious bodies is positively appreciated
  • (e) to sponsor activities and events, including research and evaluative studies, into the multicultural and interfaith perspective in society
  • (f) to work with educational bodies to educate the different levels and sectors of society about religion itself and the many faith traditions
  • (g) to support national and local interfaith organisations in Australia in their work in local government areas
  • (h) to organise meetings of religious leaders at national and local levels and with political and civic leaders
  • (i) to encourage interfaith activity and the formation of interfaith organisations among particular groups, including the young

Religions for Peace Australia data

Annual General Meeting 2022

The 2022 Annual General Meeting will take place online, on the evening of Sunday 19 June 2022 at 7pm
For bookings to attend the online meeting, please go to for the Zoom link


1.Acknowledgement of country

2. Silent prayer/meditation or reflection

3. Welcome- Emeritus Professor Desmond Cahill OAM

4. Apologies

5. Guest Speaker

About Professor Sameena Yasmeen:Prof. Sameena Yasmeen
Professor Yasmeen is teacher and researcher in UWA’s School of Social Sciences, and director and founder of the University’s Centre for Muslim States and Societies. She focuses on understanding perceptions of and by Muslims and Islam around the world, and seeks to make an impact on Australian and global politics. Born in Pakistan, Professor Yasmeen commenced her studies in international relations with a specialisation on China and Pakistan relations. She developed an interest in Islam and Muslims, researching the end of the Cold War and the growing threat of radicalisation among Muslims. Professor Yasmeen now extends her research on Muslim identities to jihadi narratives to assess the impact of jihadi literature on children, the relationship between women and jihad, and the deradicalisation policies adopted by selected countries. A key goal for Professor Yasmeen’s research is to make a positive contribution to reduce ambiguities, build mutual respect and actively participate in making the world a safer place for all.

The Title of her talk will be Promoting Social Cohesion: Children as the agents of change.

Download a flyer for Promoting Social Cohesion talk

Synopsis This talk will explore how children have been exposed to jihadi literature, Islamization and have been othered in non-Muslim majority countries (such as Australia). It will suggest that children need to be brought on board from an early age to promote cohesive societies.

  • Approval of AGM Minutes 2019
  • Chairperson’s report (15 min)
  • Review of plan-Dr Sue Ennis Secretary (5 mins)
  • Treasurer’s report (written)
  • Interstate representatives’/affiliates/ associates and other reports (written) only questions
    • NSW (orally mention 1-3 current and future issues- 3 minutes)
    • NT
    • SA
    • Qld
    • Vic
    • WA
    • TAS
    • ACT
    • Web Report
  • Membership matters
  • Election of the Australian committee
  • Other business
  • Approval of constitutional changes
  • Closing prayer/meditation/ reflection

Membership renewals are due at this meeting.

Application for Membership-RfPA

All payment is now online. All forms to be emailed to after payment is made.

New Members

Download the Membership Form (for new members)
New members would be required to sign the Code of Conduct (download) and forward to

Membership Renewal

Annual Membership renewal is due before the Annual General Meeting.

Download the Membership Renewal Form – PDF (for existing members)


Download the Membership Renewal Form – DOCX (for existing members)