Raising Peace Festival

Raising Peace Festival

You’re invited to join ‘Raising Peace’, a festival of over 30 organisations devoted to the pursuit of PEACE.

The Raising Peace Festival will be held online from 16 – 26 September 2021 as part of the world-wide observance of the International Day of Peace on September 21.

There are now 37 sessions in this free, online festival, all with the central theme of working for PEACE.

To access the sessions you need to register to receive the Zoom link. Go to https://raisingpeace.org.au/peacefestivalevents/ to read more about each session and register for them.   

If you are zoomed-out, you can turn off your screen and listen to the sessions.

Each session has a line-up of well-informed speakers: there are four sessions by our First Nations leaders, the ambassador of Costa Rica will speak about his country not having an army, several sessions on the UN day of Peace and one session facilitated by Geraldine Doogue, peacemakers from African countries and from Pacific countries, Afghanistan and peace, facilitated by senator Mehreen Faruqi, academics from several universities, activism to stop killer robots, peace and the environment with one session facilitated by Tim Costello.

The last session on 26 September is about the future of the peace movement in Australia:  

Go to RaisingPeace.org.au to read more about the many participating organisations.  

When: Thursday 16 – Sunday 26 September 2021

Registrations: Click here to register and for more information about these exciting events.  Registration is free. 


Download:  Raising peace festival_poster here. Please distribute this email or post on social media to interested people. 


Raising Peace Festival


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