Victoria: Understanding ecological threats, resilience and peace

United Nations Association of Australia - Victorian DivisionTo commemorate Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 – Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions – and SDG 13 – Climate Action, the United Nations Association of Australia (UNAA) Victorian Young Professionals are partnering with the Institute of Economics and Peace (IEP) to deliver a webinar on Thursday 19th November.

This webinar will uncover some of the global hotspots that are exposed to higher risk of ecological events, the trends of ecological threats across regions and countries, and the resilience of countries from a positive peace and systems theory perspective. We will look at the ecological threats Australia is exposed to such as the Australian bushfire crisis, and discuss the country’s capability to recover and how that relates to its ranking in the Positive Peace Index. This webinar will explore the importance of peace and how it is related to achieving SDG 13 – Climate Action.

For anyone who is interested in the topic of Peace and climate change and learning more about the recently launched Ecological threat resgister by the Insitiute of Econcomics and Peace. It will also be a good oppotunity to network with like minded people working in the field of Peacebuilding and climate action.

To learn more about the Institute of Economics and Peace you can visit their website:

Other relevant Links:

UN75 2020 and beyond
Ecological Threat Register:

IEP Ambassador Hub

Event Details

Date and time: Thu 19th Nov 2020, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm AEDT
Online Event Event is held on Zoom. Meeting details will be emailed to all registered attendees prior to the event.
Cost: $10 – $15
Bookings: Online at Humanitix


Understanding ecological threats, resilience and peace
… … and discuss the country’s capability to recover and how that relates to its ranking in the Positive Peace Index


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