Why Religion Matters: Religious Literacy, Culture and Diversity

Open UniversityThe Open University delivers online courses. Discover why religion is important for understanding and engaging with global challenges. The course, Why Religion Matters: Religious Literacy, Culture and Diversity is presently open for enrolment.

Consider the ways religion affects personal and political decision-making

Religion not only influences personal behaviours and ethics, but it’s also relevant to international conflicts and domestic policy decisions. On this course, you will gain a broader understanding of why religion matters in society and in different cultures.

You will understand the concepts of religious literacy and religious diversity, both within different societies and religious traditions themselves. You will also use case studies to explore Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and indigenous religious traditions in both historical and contemporary contexts.

What topics will you cover?

WEEK 1: Why religion matters – Religious literacy is important

  • Why does religion matter?
  • What is religious literacy?
  • Why religious literacy matters
  • Internal diversity in religion

WEEK 2: Change and choice in religion

  • Dynamic and changing religions
  • Religious resources for change
  • Religious identity and choice

WEEK 3: Religion/culture and religious violence

  • Religion/culture – All aspects of being human
  • Religion and violence

WEEK 4: Engaging with confidence

  • When different worlds collide
  • Principles of interaction
  • What would you do?

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to…

  • Identify and describe the principles of ‘religious literacy’.
  • Reflect on the boundaries between religion and culture.
  • Evaluate the extent to which religion inspires ways of life including ethics, social activism and extremism.
  • Apply the principles of ‘religious literacy’ to case studies.
  • Develop confidence in interacting with those who have different beliefs and practices.

Who is the course for?
This course is for anyone who may interact with a religiously diverse public in their personal or professional lives. This includes police, civil servants, teachers, journalists, council workers and parents.

Enrolment is available today. Course has just started. See here: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/why-religion-matters/1


Why Religion Matters
Discover why religion is important for understanding and engaging with global challenges.

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