Union of Progressive Judaism: 2020 Vision

Union of Progressive Judaism logoThe Union of Progressive Judaism will conduct a one-day virtual biennial with sessions exploring a compelling vision of Progressive Judaism for 2020 and beyond, and new ways to connect and build strong communities and congregations for the future. The Virtual Biennial will be preceded by Kabbalat Shabbat hosted by the United Hebrew Congregation of Singapore on Friday 6 November at 6.00pm and Havdalah co-hosted by Temple Beth Israel (Melbourne) and North Shore Temple Emanuel (Sydney) on Saturday 7 November at 8.30pm.

Program for Sunday 8 November

  • Click here to view the program as a PDF in your browser.
  • Links to each session will be provided to registrants via email.
  • Click here to view bios and photos of our presenters.
  • Click here to REGISTER
  • Please note that the program is still subject to change.
9:00am Shacharit service hosted by Emanuel Synagogue, Sydney  
10:00am Welcome from the Biennial Chair and Acknowledgment of Country Susan Kadar
Rabbi Adi Cohen, Jane Figgis
10:15am Reclaiming Religion: Building Communities of Purpose Rabbi Sharon Brous
10:40am Strength Through People: Building a Culture of Collaboration David Knoll AM
10:55am Break  
11:00am Want to Grow Your Community? Here’s How
Membership in Progressive Jewish organisations is declining across our region. Relational meetings have long been used as a key tool to build strong, trusting relationships both within and between organisations. The session will help you understand how to use relational meetings to build membership and participation. This session will include a special message from Dr Ron Wolfson, author of Relational Judaism, Using the Power of Relationships to Transform the Jewish Community.
Judi Hall
Larry Lockshin
Eve Altman
12:20pm Lunch break  
1:00pm What’s New Around the World? Catching up with the Chair and President of the World Union for Progressive Judaism Carole Sterling
Rabbi Sergio Bergman
1:30pm Parallel Sessions (choice of four)  
  The Lost Demographic: Speaking to Millennials and Generation Z (Part One)
This double session will provide a meaningful and productive experience, address issues and present possible ideas on how to engage youth and young adults within our congregations, including the important role of Netzer in this process.
Eliza McCarroll
Liat Swieca
  When I’m 64
In an interactive session we will provide ideas and platforms for UPJ congregations to engage in a meaningful way with Baby Boomers+. 
Sharon Davis
Reverend Sam Zwarenstein
  One Generation to the Next: Insights from Chayei Sarah
We will explore two pivotal moments of generational change in Parashat Chayei Sarah — the purchase of the cave of Machpelah and the beginning of the second generation of Patriarchs and Matriarchs. We will discuss if these episodes of the parashah speak to us in our age, and how we can use the traditional Jewish practice of an Ethical Will to share our wisdom with the generations to come. Texts will be shared on screen.
Rabbi Martha Bergadine
Rabbi Stan Zamek
  Singing Communities Throughout History
We will explore singing communities throughout history. What was the musical tradition of the Temple? Who sang, who sang along? We will learn about antiphonal singing, choral singing, Sephardi and Ashkenzi traditions, modern-day fusion in the 20th and 21st centuries; we will bring examples from communities in the US and Israel, including Bnei Jeshurun and Romemu, Nava Tehillah, Hadar, the Rising Song Institute and the Song Leader Boot Camp.
Cantor Michel Laloum
Cantor George Mordecai
2:20pm Break  
2:30pm Antisemitism in our Region and How It Impacts Us
A look at global trends in antisemitism, its sources, manifestations, how it arises in the context of Israel, and the impact of antisemitism on Jewish life.
Dr Josh Keller
Alex Ryvchin
David Knoll AM
3:30pm Break  
3:45pm Parallel Sessions (choice of four)  
  The Lost Demographic: Speaking to Millennials and Generation Z (Part Two) Eliza McCarroll
Liat Swieca
  “If I’d Only Asked My Father …”
This session is for everyone who is considering how best to preserve precious family memories before it is too late and will provide practical advice for writing one’s story from the first word until its printing and publication.
Jacqui Wasilewsky
  Israel’s Playlist: Translating Israeli Society Through Contemporary Culture
Who is Israel’s musician of the year? Which TV shows and movies are the most popular and why? What kind of theatrical productions were most successful over the past few years? And how does this connect to changes in Israeli society? Let’s take a quick look at the vibrant and out-of-the-box arts and culture that is also deep and critical about current events, societal challenges, and the shifting geopolitical situation of the country.
Uri Levin
  Building Singing Communities
The term “Singing Communities” was coined by Joey Weisenberg to describe his approach to participatory singing in synagogue, chavurah and other group contexts. Cantor Mordecai has had the privilege of working closely with Joey over the years and we are honoured to share some of the insights gleaned from years of work in the area of communal singing. In this workshop we will explore techniques that help us find our “inner voice”. Additionally we will learn how to activate our voices to help raise the level of ruach in our synagogue services. 
Cantor Michel Laloum
Cantor George Mordecai
4:35pm Break  
4:45pm A Post-Pandemic Progressive Judaism: Preparing for the New Normal
In this highly interactive session, we will explore the opportunities to transform Progressive Jewish life in a post-pandemic world.
Dr Josh Keller
5:45pm Announcement of winners of UPJ Awards, and a last word from the Conference Chair David Knoll AM
Brian Samuel OAM
Susan Kadar
6:00pm Close  
6:05pm Concert by Chutney, Klezmer fusion band  



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