Victoria: Local Lives – Global Matters, Castlemaine

Local Lives – Global Matters is a three day conference in Castlemaine exploring the broad themes of local economies and livelihoods, equitable, redemocratised societies, social and ecological justice and the spirituality that connects us to the land and each other.


‘The Great Transition’ to creating a truly sustainable relationship between humanity and nature must take place in the current generation. Biodiversity loss and climate catastrophe are inevitable consequences of our current social and economic systems, and both are close to critical tipping points. The never-ending quest for corporate profits drive ever increasing resource use and the degradation of the natural world on which we all depend. Our global trade regimes prioritise the interests of corporations over people and nature and are symbolic of our upside-down values. Political decision making has been captured by corporate interests, eroding democracy and creating political apathy.

Against this rather bleak backdrop, local communities all around the world are creating a better future: strengthening relationships between people, land and integrated systems. Local Lives Global Matters builds on what is already happening by fostering thriving, local and regional economies and societies and accelerating the transition to world without fossil fuels and growth addictions.

Now is the time to announce a new paradigm and tell the story that has a future. Join us at the Local Lives Global Matters Conference to learn from each other and share our experiences. Be inspired by this global movement which asks key questions and promotes ideas about a future that respects humanity and nature. Be part of the movement to take back the future. Join conversations with international, Australian and local thinkers & activists.

Event Information

Event: Local Lives, Global Matters, Castlemaine

When: 16-18th October 2015

Where: Castlemaine, Victoria

Cost: Various: See registration page

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