Faith communities internationally, and increasingly in Australia, are responding to the needs of people with disabilities and their families, who wish to participate in worship and social activities. The Victorian and Tasmanian Synod of the Uniting Church invite you to The Disability Actional Plan 2015 – 2018 on September 25.
Faith communities internationally, and increasingly in Australia, are responding to the needs of people with disabilities and their families, who wish to participate in worship and social activities. In recent times, The Buddhist Council of Victoria has undertaken to make its temples more accessible, and a number of Christian churches have been examining their responses, including architecture, attitudes and theology. The Uniting Church Synod of Victoria and Tasmania has developed its 2015-18 Plan, and is interested in sharing ideas and responses with other interested faith communities in Victoria. You are most welcome to join us on September 25.
Event Information
Event: The Disability Actional Plan 2015 – 2018
When: Friday 25 September 2015 Time: 3:30pm
Where: Uniting Church Centre, 130 Little Collins Street, Melbourne
RSVP: Ann Byrne, 03 9251 5404 Please RSVP by Friday 18 September 2015
More information: