Victoria: A World Without Weapons: A vision and Challenge

As part of the Gallipoli Centenary Peace Campaign, Pax Christi Australia will conduct their annual conference 28 – 30 August. The theme of the conference is A World without Weapons, a Vision and a Challenge.

The theme of the conference is: A World without Weapons, a Vision and a Challenge

We seek

  • To explore the possibilities and challenges of a World without Weapons, spiritually and politically.
  • To hear from people who are already “living the dream.”
  • To consider key challenges the issue poses for people of faith in Australia and Pax Christi in particular.

We feel, having done a lot of stuff around the Gallipoli Centenary the time has come to challenge to fact of war itself as part of the human DNA.

Event Information

Event: A World without Weapons, a Vision and a Challenge

When: 28 – 30 August

Where: Kildara Centre 39 Stanhope Street, Malvern Vic

Cost: $100 or 70 for low income – see payment details below…

RSVP: 21 August

More information: Harry Kerr 03 9893 4946

Download a Flyer for this event

Payment information

Bank Account details to pay your registration:

Bank: Commonwealth Bank

Account Name: Pax Christi VIC Inc

BSB: 063 161

Account:  00900935

Please ensure that you put your name in the bank details when making payment for your registration.