We Cannot Ignore Buddhist Extremism

Blindfold: does it mean ignoring issues?Asserting the neutrality of Buddhism will not make alt-right and extremist Buddhist worldviews go away. What is needed instead is for there to be dialogue amongst Buddhist communities to acknowledge the values they wish to uphold—and, importantly, to clarify the values that go against the Buddha’s teachings.

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From Hiroshima, UN chief calls for global nuclear disarmament

UN Secretary-General António Guterres

It is totally unacceptable for states in possession of nuclear weapons to admit the possibility of a nuclear war, António Guterres underscored early on Saturday in Japan at a ceremony marking the 77th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.

Nuclear weapons are nonsense. Three-quarters of a century later, we must ask what we’ve learned from the mushroom cloud that swelled above this city in 1945”, he urged during the solemn event at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park attended by dozens of people, including hibakusha, young peace activists, Japan’s Prime Minister and other local authorities.

The UN Secretary-General warned that a new arms race is picking up speed and world leaders are enhancing stockpiles at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars with almost 13,000 nuclear weapons currently held in arsenals around the world.

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Tackling Human-Trafficking in Asia: Challenges and Best Practices

Tackling Human-Trafficking in AsiaThe Asia Pacific Women of Faith Network has been attending the issue of human trafficking as one of its program objectives. Human trafficking is at its highest in Asia and Oceania regions. An online seminar examining this issue will be held on Thursday, September 29th, 2022. There will be plenary and breakout sessions.

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Remembering Hiroshima

Antonio Gueterres at Hiroshima Day 2022“Nuclear weapons are nonsense. Three-quarters of a century later, we must ask what we’ve learned from the mushroom cloud that swelled above this city in 1945”, the United Nations Secretary General Antonio Gueterres urged during the solemn event at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park attended by dozens of people, including hibakusha, young peace activists, Japan’s Prime Minister and other local authorities.

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Buddhist leader in Bhutan fully ordains 144 women, resuming ancient tradition

Ordination of 144 Buddhist nuns in Bhutan(RNS) — On Tuesday (June 21), the Je Khenpo, the senior Buddhist authority in Bhutan, began ordaining a group of 144 women as bhikshunis, or female monks, at the Ramthangkha monastery in the tiny Himalayan country. Damcho Diana Finnegan, an American Tibetan Buddhist nun, called the ordination ceremony ‘a major step towards ending the institutionalized inequality between men and women in Tibetan Buddhism.’

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NSW: Ubiquitous Trees and Serpents – Early Buddhist Imagery of Southern India

The Australasian Association for Buddhist Studies notifies that its next seminar will take place in the month of June: the University of Sydney will host a lecture on the early Buddhist imagery of southern India. This will be both online and in-person.

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The Kathmandu Statement

Faith and Positive Change for Children InitiativeAs a result of the Faith and Positive Change for Children Regional Faith Engagement Forum for South Asia, Religions for Peace and partners are proud to present the Kathmandu Statement which calls for collaboration to provide a better environment and promote well-being of children in South Asian along with sustaining relationships with faith actors in the region.

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Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Zen Master, Dies at 95

Thich Nhat Hanh,

Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh—a world-renowned spiritual leader, author, poet, and peace activist—died on January 22, 2022 at midnight (ICT) at his root temple, Tu Hien Temple, in Hue, Vietnam. He was 95.

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