Joint Appeal for the Signing and Ratification of the Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons

Religions for Peace (RfP) and the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) seek your leadership and skillful interventions in urging your governments to sign and ratify the historic Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons adopted by over 120 governments at the United Nations (UN) on 7 July 2017.

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World Water Week: Faith and Water

Organized as part of World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden, the World Council of Churches (WCC) invited faith-based organizations, congregations and individuals to their 30 August public event entitled “Water and Faith: Building partnerships to achieve the SDGs”. The event, an open session, was organized by the WCC in collaboration with Church of Sweden, Global Water Partnership, Stockholm International Water Institute, and Swedish Institute Alexandria.

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Environment: Simplicity and Solidarity to Overcome “Moral Decay”

Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople have made a joint appeal on the occasion of the Day of Prayer for the Protection of Creation observed in September 1, 2017. Their appeal is to have the courage to embrace “greater simplicity and solidarity in our lives” to overcome the generalized “moral decay” of humanity, which deteriorates Creation by manipulation, domination, greed and control.

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Pope Francis’ Message to Rabbis: A Fruitful Dialogue

Pope Francis greeted the representatives of the Conference of European Rabbis, of the Rabbinical Council of America and of the Commission of the Grand Rabbinate of Israel, in dialogue with the Holy See’s Commission for Religious Relations with Judaism, with Professor Riccardo di Segni, Chief Rabbi of Rome, on Thursday, August 31, 2017.

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Dalai Lama: How to Be a Force for Good

The time for a force for good has come.

Each of us can join in that force for a better world, and mindfulness plays a crucial role.

The Dalai Lama has laid out a strategic map for this force, focusing on the good each of us can do. There are three steps: First, gain inner composure. Second, follow an inner rudder toward compassion. Third, Act now, in whatever way we can.

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Jerusalem: Scenes from a Diverse Hebrew Class

My class at Ulpan MILAH, an intensive Hebrew language school, meets directly beneath the synagogue at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Jerusalem. From time to time we hear the sounds of prayer echoing down the set of stairs that connects the back of the synagogue to our classroom. One day last week, the singing was particularly heartfelt and strong.

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