DOHA – Final Declaration on Religion and Human Rights

The 13th International Conference for Interfaith Dialogue on the topic of Religion and Human Rights was held in Doha on February 20 and February 21, 2018. The conference entitled “Religions and Human Rights”, was held with the participation of a group of two hundred and thirty-nine (239) scholars from the three monotheistic religions of Islam, Christianity and Judaism, as well as participants from Qatar.

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Victoria: Greenfaith/ARRCC Film Screening

Greenfaith – the Victorian Chapter of the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change will host a screening of An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, the sequel to An Inconvenient Truth at the Uniting Church, Rosebud, on the evening of Sunday 18th March 2018, 5pm – 8pm.

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Bendigo: Annual Interfaith Forum and Dinner

As part of the 2018 Bendigo Zinda Festival, Bendigo Interfaith Council will hold a Forum and Dinner at the All Seasons Conservatory on Wednesday, March 21 at 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM. Guest speaker will be Helen Heath OAM, of the Interfaith Network of the City of Greater Dandenong.

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The Values that drive International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day means different things to different people, but the global focus on equality and celebration is clear.

Throughout ancient and modern history, women have collaborated and lead purposeful action to redress inequality in the hope of a better future for their communities, children and themselves. Whether through bold well-documented action or through humble resistance that never made it into the history books, women have united for equality and achievement forever.

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Christian, Jewish and Muslim leaders in Vienna affirm social cohesion and peaceful coexistence

Unity among religious leaders is growing and it is a powerful message of hope in the Arab region, Christian, Jewish and Muslim leaders have heard at a Vienna conference on peaceful coexistence and diversity, whilst advocating the necessity of even more dialogue.

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Jerusalem church leaders close Church of the Holy Sepulchre

In a highly unusual action, the leaders of Jerusalem’s churches closed the doors of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre on Sunday. The united protest was in response to moves by Jerusalem authorities to begin collecting tens of millions of dollars in taxes from churches, as well as proposed legislation to confiscate church-owned land.

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400 Muslim, Christian, Jewish Leaders Sign ‘Washington Declaration’ for Religious Tolerance

WASHINGTON — Over 400 Muslim, Christian and Jewish leaders from all over the world affirmed on Wednesday a new declaration calling for the global protection of religious minorities and marginalized communities.

The “Washington Declaration” was unveiled after two days of collaboration among hundreds of interfaith leaders who gathered for the three-day “Alliance of Virtue” conference organized by the Forum for Promoting Peace in Muslim Societies and its leader, Shaykh Abdallah Bin Bayyah, a Saudi Arabian Islamic Studies professor.

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Alliance of Virtue to affirm respect for Religious Minorities

WASHINGTON – Ahead of the annual National Prayer Breakfast, international religious leaders from across the theological and political spectrum will make a unified commitment to concrete actions calling for respect of Muslims in the United States and affirming the rights of religious minorities around the world, including Christians in Muslim countries.

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