Greenfaith – the Victorian Chapter of the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change will host a screening of An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, the sequel to An Inconvenient Truth at the Uniting Church, Rosebud, on the evening of Sunday 18th March 2018, 5pm – 8pm.
Climate change is the biggest moral issue of our generation.
What will you do about it?
Come along to learn more about climate change through watching the sequel to the hugely influential An Inconvenient Truth and listening to Rabbi Jonathan Keren-Black discuss why all faiths urge us to care for our environment.
Event Details
Program: Screening of An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power
Location: Rosebud Uniting Church
Address: 6 Murray-Anderson Rd, Rosebud VIC 3939
Date: Sunday 18th March 2018,
Time: 5pm – 8pm
Entry: (for light tea) $10 ($5 concession)
RSVP: Bronwyn Pryor | 0412 301450 |
[Proceeds to assist the work of GreenFaith ARRCC]
All welcome whatever your faith or beliefs
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