Pope Francis meets Buddhists, Hindus, Jains, Sikhs

ROME – In a time when the world is mired in conflicts, religious leaders have a duty to show that it is possible to set aside differences and work together for the common good, Pope Francis said.

“Dialogue and cooperation are essential at a time like our own when complex and unprecedented factors have led to increased tensions and conflicts, accompanied by violence on both a small and a large scale,” the pope said May 16.

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ECRL: Budapest Statement on The Role of Multi-religious Cooperation in Social Cohesion and Human Security

On 7-8th May, 2018 the European Council of Religious Leaders (ECRL) came together in the beautiful and historic city of Budapest to explore the important theme of ‘Multi-religious Collaboration on Community Cohesion and Human Security’.

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World Interfaith Harmony Week Prize to Melbourne

The King of Jordan – founder of the World Interfaith Harmony Week initiative at the United Nations – attended the 2018 King Abdullah II World Interfaith Harmony Week prize ceremony at Al Husseiniya Palace and presented awards to the winners. First Prize went to The Interfaith Centre of Melbourne for their event, “Who Are We in a Changing World?”

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North and South Korea Religions Seeking Peace

Religions for Peace (RfP) International joins its national affiliates, the Korean Conference of Religions for Peace (KCRP- South Korea), and the Korean Council of Religionists (KCR-North Korea) in calling for shared security and shared well-being for all peoples on the Korean Peninsula.

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Religions for Peace Leaders Call for Action to Protect the Earth

Religions for Peace is the world’s largest and most representative multi-religious coalition dedicated to advancing common action among the world religious communities for peace. Religions for Peace works to transform violent conflict, advance human development, promote just and harmonious societies, and protect the earth. Here, Religions for Peace International celebrates Earth Day.

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International Conference on “Youth, Peace and Violent Extremism”

International Conference on “Youth, Peace and Violent Extremism” is a gathering between 100 to 150 young people from around the globe to come together to share their experiences on how they are building resilience in their communities to prevent violent extremism. This conference will take place in Melaka, Malaysia 30 July – 3 August 2018.

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International: Environment Protection and Law of the Sea

All peoples and governments have a common imperative to protect and preserve our planet, according to Archbishop Bernardito Auza, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations. He noted that commercial activity with regard to using the seas and marine life in areas beyond national jurisdiction will likely increase exponentially in coming years.

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Tasmania: April 2018

Tasmania Logo

Greetings of peace!

Our gathering for April will be to honour Yom HaShoah, the Holocaust, by a visit to the Hobart Synagogue, 59 Argyle St, Hobart. Although Yom HaShoah is commemorated on Thursday 12 April, our visit will be held on Sunday 15 April at 3.00pm. We are meeting outside the Synagogue at 2.55pm and Daniel Albert, whom many of us know, will be our guide.

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Yom Ha’Shoah: Letting Go at Auschwitz-Birkenau: Lessons from a Zen Peacemaker Retreat

As the son of Holocaust survivors, with virtually every member of my family having been either a victim or survivor, I ruled out the possibility of ever visiting a concentration camp. Doing so would be emotionally off the charts. That all changed when I learned about a five-day Zen Peacemaker retreat at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

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