African-Australians keep the faith

Since its introduction to Ethiopia in the first century, Christianity has grown across Africa over 2,000 years creating immense and resilient communities of faith. The God Forbid panel examines African Christianity, and how African Australians are helping to grow their own congregations down under in an increasingly secular landscape.

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Religions for Peace Launches Historic Movement for Rainforest Protection

Rainforests sustain all life on the planet, provide 1.6 billion people with the necessities of life, store millions of tons of carbon, regulate the global climate, and create cooling air and rains that support life on Earth. They are home to indigenous peoples and forest communities that have served as their guardians for many generations. If protected and restored, rainforests can provide an indispensable contribution to sustainable development. Instead, they are at grave risk.

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Pakistani Christian Asia Bibi has death penalty conviction overturned

A Christian woman who spent eight years on death row in Pakistan on blasphemy charges has been acquitted — prompting street protests from Islamists furious at the verdict.

Chief Justice Mian Saqib Nisar cited the Quran in his ruling, writing: “Tolerance is the basic principle of Islam,” and noting the religion condemns injustice and oppression.

Ms Bibi, who has been held at a secret location for security reasons, is now expected to leave the country.

Her husband, Ashiq Masih, hailed the verdict: “I am very happy. My children are very happy. We are grateful to God. We are grateful to the judges for giving us justice. We knew that she is innocent.”

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Why Pittsburgh Matters

(RNS) — We are shocked, but we are not surprised. How could we be surprised? The novelist Rebecca West once said that Jews, having suffered so much, have an “unsurprisable mind.” Did we think that we, the American Jewish community, could splash blood upon our communal door and thus ward off the twin angels of hatred and death?

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