Europe: Addressing Global Challenges: Thinking and Acting Together

Over 30 senior leaders of different faith communities from MENA and the European countries, together with experts on migration, held two days of intensive conversation about mass migration in MENA and its impact in EU regions. The key focus was understanding and collaboration on urgent needs with regards to migration and patterns of migration movements. This event was co-sponsored by the European Council of Religious Leaders.

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The Role Of Religious Leaders In The Creation Of Peace, Social Cohesion And Religious Dialogue In The Context Of 21st Century Asia

In Dhaka on November 27th-28th 2018, Religions for Peace Bangladesh sponsored an international seminar on World Peace through Interfaith and Intrafaith Dialogue in association with Religions for Peace Asia. Emertius Professor Desmond Cahill is Deputy Moderator of the Asian Conference on Religions for Peace and delivered one keynote address on The Role Of Religious Leaders In The Creation Of Peace, Social Cohesion And Religious Dialogue In The Context Of 21st Century Asia in Dhaka.

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Bangladesh: World Peace through Interfaith and Intrafaith Dialogue

In Dhaka on November 27th-28th 2018, Religions for Peace Bangladesh sponsored an international seminar on World Peace through Interfaith and Intrafaith Dialogue in association with Religions for Peace Asia. It was attended by about 140 religious and interfaith leaders together with religious scholars and researchers from Bangladesh and international attendees from Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar and Sri Lanka.

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In Israel, Christians embrace a simple, spiritual Christmas

Compared with how the holiday is celebrated in Christian-majority countries — with dazzling lights, Christmas-themed shows and sales — the public observance of Christmas in Israel and the Palestinian territories is downright modest. Christians are a tiny minority in the Holy Land, comprising about 2 percent of the population, not including the many Christian clergy, aid workers, students, migrant workers and asylum-seekers who reside in Israel, sometimes for decades.

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Conference of European Churches “Differences of religion do not separate us, but rather enrich us in many areas of life.”

The Conference of European Churches (CEC) and Cumberland Lodge conducted a conference titled “Towards Peaceful co-existence in the Middle East: challenges and opportunities.” Co-hosted by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, the gathering drew participants from a broad range of Middle Eastern and European churches. A central issue was how states treat people of different religious affiliation.

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Celebrity Brazilian healer ‘John of God,’ once featured by Oprah, surrenders on sexual abuse charges

Abadiânia, Brazil: The police arrested psychic João Teixeira de Faria, 76, known as João de Deus (John of God) on Sunday, after he after surrendered to the authorities. He met the officers on a dirt road outside Abadiânia, Goiás, where he keeps his spiritual healing center. He vehemently maintained he was not guilty of any charges.

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China warns Tibetans not to be taken in ahead of Dalai Lama anniversary

BEIJING (Reuters) – The people of Tibet should not be taken in by the Dalai Lama’s lies and clearly understand the importance of Communist Party rule in the region, the Chinese government said ahead of March’s sensitive 60th anniversary of him fleeing into exile.

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COP24: “Climate justice is at the heart of just transitions”

On 13 December, Rev. Henrik Grape, coordinator of the World Council of Churches’s Working Group on Climate Change, was the reader of a statement of the faith communities to the high level segment of the of 24thConference of the Parties (COP24) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

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Church leaders present Christmas statement on refugees and migrants to the European Parliament

Today’s world continues to experience the darkness of persecution, conflict and war. According to the UN almost 70 million people have been forced to flee their homes in search of sanctuary and livelihood. More than half of them are children. Here, the World Council of Churches presents a Christmas Statement on refugees and migrants to the European Parliament.

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