“Dear Prime Minister …”: An Open Letter to Jacinda Ardern

Dear Prime Minister Ardern,
I am a 13-year-old Muslim girl from Australia and I would like to publicly share my appreciation with you. I belong to the generation that was born after 11 September 2001. I have never really contemplated how dark the anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant language is that permeates Australian society, because it is all I have ever known. I guess I’ve become used to hearing political leaders use that same language.

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Dalai Lama Says His Successor May Come From India, Sends Message to China

Dharamshala: The Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism, said on Monday it was possible that once he dies his incarnation could be found in India, where he has lived in exile for 60 years, and warned that any other successor named by China would not be respected.

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Statement on New Zealand Attacks – Religions for Peace Australia

Dear Muslims of Australia, We as members of Religions for Peace Australia, part of the world’s largest interfaith coalition working for global and regional peace and Interreligious harmony, wish to express our solidarity with the Muslim peoples of Oceania and our unity in sorrow on this vicious attack in Christchurch. We mourn for the victims … Read more

Statement on Christchurch Attacks: Islamic Society of South Australia:

The Multifaith Association of South Australia shares our deep sorrow and send our condolences to the Muslim community of Christchurch who have lost loved ones in prayers today. We at Multifaith SA hold firm to our commitment to interfaith harmony and stand in solidarity with the community of Christchurch. Here is the Media Release from our friends at the Islamic Society of South Australia:

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Bishop Stålsett briefs Pope Francis, Religious Leaders and Development Experts on Interfaith Rainforest Initiative

(8 March 2019 | Vatican City) Bishop Gunnar J. Stålsett [Honorary President of Religions for Peace] addressed religious leaders and international development experts at the recent convening called by H.H. Pope Francis, “Religions and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Listening to the cry of the earth and the poor.”

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Responsible Leadership in Politics & Religion: Diverse Communities in an Age of Anxiety

Political instability in various parts of the developing world are giving rise to mass migration of people mainly fleeing poverty, political conflict or religious persecution. Listen to this issue with Prof Simon Robinson (Leeds Beckett University, UK), Prof Emeritus Gary Bouma (Monash University, Australia). Moderated by Prof Michele Grossman (Deakin University, Australia).

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Role of the faith in tackling environmental challenges expounded at UN Environment Assembly

On the sidelines of the UN Environment Assembly in Nairobi, top UN officials, religious leaders and environmental experts underlined the role of faith communities in tackling climate change, a phenomenon that threatens to annihilate humanity. The assembly opened on 11 March against the dark shadow of the Ethiopian Airline plane crash. The plane crashed soon after take-off from Addis Ababa, killing all 157 persons on board, including Rev. Norman Tendis, a World Council of Churches (WCC) consultant. He was traveling to Nairobi to participate in an event at the assembly titled “Faith for Earth Dialogue.”

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Peace is common denominator of all major religions

The Christian Conference of Asia gathered over 100 participants representing seven religions including Christian, Buddhist, Islamic, Jewish, Bahai, Hindu and Sikh to meet with the participants of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace Reference Group to discuss relevant issues about religion and their implications to the Asian society.

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