Religious Leaders’ Plea to Member States: Honour Your Commitment to the UN

Religious Leaders of Religions for Peace International

18 OCT 2019 |PARIS, JERUSALEM, BEIRUT, NEW DELHI, TOKYO – IPS) On the 8th of October, the United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres warned that the organisation is running out of money by the end of October – “member States have paid only 70 percent of the total amount needed for [our] regular budget”.

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Vatican Message for the Hindu Feast of Deepavali 2019

Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue LogoThe Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue sends you cordial greetings and sincere good wishes as you celebrate Deepavali on 27 October this year. May this festival of lights illumine your hearts and homes and bring to your families and communities joy and happiness, peace and prosperity. At the same time, may it strengthen your spirit of fraternity with one another.

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Proceedings of Instanbul Workshop on Covenants of Prophet Muhammad

workshop on examining the covenants of Prophet Muhammad

This workshop was the second to be convened by Lord Daniel Brennan, Chairman Emeritus of the Caux Round Table for Moral Capitalism and Stephen B. Young, Global Executive Director of the Caux Round Table for Moral Capitalism. The workshop was organized by Professor Abdullah Al-Ahsan of Istanbul Sehir University and his colleagues. The first workshop was held at the Vatican on January 19, 2019 with the assistance of Archbishop Silvano Tomasi.

These documents are pledges of protection from the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to Christian, Jewish and other monotheistic communities in Arabia, Persia, Egypt, Greater Syria and beyond.

In addition to the numerous copies that have been examined and found to have consistency with various verses of the Quran, matching phrases, accurate dates when compared with the Islamic calendar, the workshop also found references to the Covenants in early Muslim and Christian sources, including books by Islamic jurists and letters of Christian bishops.

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Can Meditation Change the World? – Film Review, ‘The Portal’

Movie Flyer - The Portal Meditation is an inner journey to a place beyond the mind. Our minds may panic and invent all sorts of excuses – mainly that we “don’t have time” – to avoid you doing this. For the mind fears anything that might take you to beyond, to peace – for example – or to inner stillness. This movie, The Portal, looks at the impact meditation has on six individuals. Does meditation make people better? Does meditation insulate us from the cacophony we travel trough in life?

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Quakers Australia: Climate Emergency & Species Extinction – Part 1

Quakers Australia At the Yearly Meeting in Hobart, 2019, Australian Quakers resolved to spiritually respond to the Climate Emergency and Spiritual Extinction. The meeting resolved, inter-alia, We are called to consider the world as an en-Spirited whole, to accept no boundary to repairing and sustaining the Earth for the future, and to appreciate more deeply the creative energy in all living things and life processes. We seek to mend what has been hurt, and to strengthen our courage to discern and bear witness to this spiritual care for the Earth.

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National Mosque Open Day

National Mosque Open Day LogoNational Mosque Open Day (NMOD) is an annual Australia-wide event that features a number of mosques across the nation simultaneously opening their doors to the public and inviting them to come in and explore their local mosque. National Mosque Open Day will take place in Australia on 26 October 2019 at participating mosques in each state.

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Coalition’s religious discrimination bill condemned by state and territory commissions

ProtestersState and territory anti-discrimination commissions have revolted against the Coalition’s religious discrimination bill, warning it privileges religion over other rights and will cause “significant disruption” by overriding state laws.

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Aboriginal Theology and Anthropology and Just Ecological and Sustainable Peace

Pax Christi LogoPax Christi Victoria – International Christian Peace Movement – invites you to the October Agape, Aboriginal Theology and Anthropology and Just Ecological and Sustainable Peace led by Naomi Wolfe, Lecturer Faculty of Education and Arts, Australian Catholic University, on Sunday 20 October at 2pm.

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“Life is the most precious thing we have”

Helena Taliberti and Vagner Diniz, two very committed Brazilian parents with a passion for life and justice, want to feel connected to the world.  “We came here because we are sure that the World Council of Churches has a lot of connections,” they said. “The more we are together, the longer and farther we will go. Life is the most precious thing that we have.” The couple lost their children in a dam collapse in Brazil in January. World Council of Churches News met with them after a meeting with the WCC general secretary Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit in Geneva in early October. 

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