Tibet: Losar Festivities Cancelled in Lhasa amid Coronavirus Alert

Large-scale Losar festivities have been curtailed in Lhasa. The local authorities in Tibet on Monday announced the suspension of “large-scale traditional religious activities” in celebration of Losar, the traditional Tibetan New Year, in Lhasa, citing the need to curtail the spread of the deadly novel coronavirus outbreak, now officially named COVID-19 by the World Health Organization.

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Church leaders call for accurate information as well as prayers to overcome coronavirus

Scanning for CoronavirusAs a mass quarantine continued in Wuhan and surrounding provinces in China, church leaders from around the world called for accurate information and education, as well as a sense of solidarity related to the coronavirus outbreak. The death toll in China has surpassed 908, and the number of confirmed cases is now more than 40,171. There are also more than 200 cases of infection outside China.

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World Council of Churches launches Current Dialogue

Launch of Current DialogueA lively interchange on the rapidly changing landscape of interreligious encounter marked the  launch of a new journal at the Ecumenical Centre on Friday, 7 February. The occasion was the unveiling of the new incarnation of Current Dialogue, the pioneering World Council of Churches periodical on interreligious dialogue.

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Judaism: Teaching Consent to Our Kids: A Lesson in Kavod (Respect)

Parent and ChildAs a parent and a Jewish educator, there are a few topics about which I am especially passionate – those where my knowledge as an educator align closely with my experience as a parent raising young children in today’s world. For example, a few that I take very seriously are my job to use car seats safely, to read to my kids every day, and to coach social-emotional skills because I know how much each of those things matter in raising healthy adults.

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Canberra: Faithful speak out at People’s Climate Assembly after bushfires

Interfaith Mourning Ritual at Parliament House

Buddhists, Anglicans, Catholics, Muslims, Quakers and people of other faiths joined thousands of concerned Australians in Canberra during the first sitting week of Parliament to stand up for meaningful action on climate change.

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Disease Is Inevitable. Compassion Is a Choice.

violet stained Buddha statueBuddham Sharanam Gacchami: I surrender to the Buddha. Amid the coronavirus outbreak, a Buddhist practitioner visiting China reflects on how panic spreads and what we can do to open our hearts again. For, disease is inevitable. Compassion is a choice.

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Asian Conference of Religions for Peace in Action: Its Vision, Mission and Flagship Projects

Asian Conference of Religions for Peace LogoThe Asian Conference of Religions for Peace, also known as Religions for Peace Asia, is the world’s largest regional body of religiously-inspired people working for peace, harmony and the well-being of people in their own countries, in the Asian-Pacific region. What follows is an account of the works of the Asian Conference of Religions for Peace.

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UN Human Rights Body Supports Asylum for Climate Change Refugees


The UN Human Rights Committee issued its first ruling on a request for asylum from the effects of climate change, finding that countries may not deport individuals facing “climate change-induced conditions that violate the right to life”.

Ioane Teitiota’s case argued that Kiribati had become uninhabitable for all residents because of the rise in sea level and other climate change effects.

The ruling also accepts Teitiota’s claim that sea-level rise is likely to render Kiribati uninhabitable within ten or 15 years.

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Australian Baha’i Community: Creating an Inclusive Narrative Project

tralian Bahai CommunityThe Australian Baha’i Community will conduct community roundtable discussions on social cohesion in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane and Darwin. These roundtables are an integral aspect of a national project being facilitated by the Australian Baha’i Community to collectively ‘Create an Inclusive Narrative’ for our country. The roundtables will take place in February, March and April of 2020.

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