Together for Humanity

religious leaders at lakembah mosque

Religious leaders are joined together in prayer as a hostage incident in Sydney was unfolding and urged their followers to do the same. Members of Religions for Peace NSW Branch attended a multifaith prayer service at Lakemba Mosque.

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Interview with Josie Lacey OAM

Relations with Other Faiths

The Convenor of NSW Religions for Peace, Josie Lacey OAM, was recently interviewed by the Uniting Church Relations with Other Faiths – a working group of the Uniting Church in Australia.

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NSW: Interfaith Advocacy for Reconciliation

Baha’i Advocacy for Reconciliation


Aboriginal elder Aunty Millie Ingram stressed the importance of education as a transformative power to advance reconciliation in Australia when she addressed a reception following a service at the Sydney Baha’i Temple.

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